I notice that, that you can have block affecting only multiple types of elements... never mind, I was just dumb. Still, it was never a request Myth, just doing some silly comments, thanks :)
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I just notice something intresting, I have not test it yet, and I do not know if some have done this quiestion or not, just food for thought.
The Block plug in, there is a little section called Blocked Elements
This mean, if have two plug ins, you can have two type of blocks? One for "Physical" and other for "Magical" The thing is, the gain Block commands will generate for both types of blocks... which defeat the porpuse of the having multiples plugins for diferent attribitues.
Maybe in the future, there could be an updated of the plugin that allow this, could be intresting to having a "Null-fire" which give you tons of block, but only for "fire damage"
I just want to point that out, thanks for your time :)
Oh! I might look into it, it has some features I kind like, I know his quite famous in the MV and RPG maker community in general. But, this is a feature It should be implemented in your Plugin in the future, after all, you already some of those features, like colored text in the cards.
Anyways, happy new year and tille next time :)
I see, those are Yanfly plug in! In other words, I need to get those to do what I want, My guess those plug ins works with yours if that is what are you suggesting to use.
Thanks for the help! I'll look into it. Just a suggestion if you do not mind, I think you should incorporate that option in your core engine, the one of using eval to display formulas results in the cards, insted of rellying on other creators plug-ins, that feature is both, important and core from these type of games.
Still, you plug-in amazing and I will make my dream of creating a card game come true, thanks for your support and hard work. If I have any other doubt, I´ll come again asking for help, till next time Myth :)
Firs Myth, Happy New year! I hope your would be able to achive all your projects has you envision them!
Second, I bought your Plug In via Steam, I do not if this could be relevant, Here is the link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3243700/RPG_Maker_MV__Card_Game_Combat_Deckbu...
At last, sorry if the image is a bit to big, but is for quality for quality purpose. I copy/paste your text, and here is what happed. Is not displaying what it need to display
Good day, as indicated, I'm moving my suggestion/request for the plug in here:
Good day Myth. In your sample game script you have in one of your cards:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
If a Skill have multiple types. All those types will between the brackets? Example:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare", "Fire"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
This way, we the card will generate a random "Rare" and "Fire" Type. This is a feature which will be nice to add, allowing us to have more control for random cards like these.
By the way, I don't know if tha is coded correctly, I took the code from the Demo you have with the plugg in and put it has example XD
First, I would love to have that option; and second, I think this will be a nice addition for the plugin, not only for me; but maybe other users as well. It will give us more control when harnessing the chaos/randomness of the game.
For example, in the case I use, If we have an early card that produces a random "Fire" card BUT we do not want to give the player something has powerful has, for example, "Nuke", we can filter the pool of cards to give to the player, while still maintain other types of interactions like the one you have with the plugin Independent Card Variables,
In which you show a card effect to increase the damage to certain types of cards. Arcane charge is the name you give to that card.
A plugin I might get down the road, but right now, I need to make sure my project Idea works with what I have, and my potential testers give me at least a "Good enough" review; before going deeper into getting more plugins, which includes the Independent Card Variables, which is a Patreon plugin.
Good day Myth. In this case script you have in one of your cards:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
If a Skill have multiple types. All those types will between the brackets? Example:
Eval var skillIDs = Myth.CGC.getIDsOfType("Rare", "Fire"); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * skillIDs.length); user.addCardToZone(skillIDs[index],"hand"); BattleManager._logWindow.addText("Added \c[6]" + $dataSkills[skillIDs[index]].name + "\c[0] to Hand.");
In this case I will be generating a Rare, Fire Skill to my hand. An I correct here?
Oh! Thank you! This help me alot with my project. There is sugestion I would like to recomend for incoming updates, if possible.
I would like to use variable number on the cards, here in one of the in your sample cards:
Gain \c[3]30 HP\c[0] and Clear Neg Effects for One Ally. \c[5]Exile\c[0] this.
I would like that 30 that is written there, would be the result of the skill formal, an example woul be: 30 + a.mat(10)
The final result showing in the card would be
Gain \c[3]Formala Result (40) HP\c[0] and Clear Neg Effects for One Ally. \c[5]Exile\c[0] this.
I not going to use complex formulas like involving target HP, or stats, but I would love to use my character stats on the cards and are reflected there on the card. Is there is already a way to do this?
For what I have been told, i can be done using Variables to store the character Stats, and another one to do the math.
Gain \c[3] \v[X] HP\c[0] and Clear Neg Effects for One Ally. \c[5]Exile\c[0] this.
This aint gonna work for something like "Strike" a basic card every character have has a starting card.
One last question! If a character has Deck restriction on types, but a Card has multiple types, like: the Character can use Fire and Earth, but the Card is Fire, Earth, and Ice Type. Can that caracter still include that card on the deck?
I guess I could test it, but this game is my "second project" my main project is a book, and still on the phase planing "cards" and character before jumping in to program that.
Thank you for your time. I'll continue watching over you :)
Good day MythAtelier, Just bought your plug in on Steam and I allready loving it! I always wanted to make a card game and this is my chance!
I want to asked, there is a way to alter the end phase, or discard phase?
For the proyect I have in mind, I would like to go for a more traditional route of keeping my hand, drawing one card of turn. I have found how to do this on the plug. However, I have not found how to stop it for dicarding my hand... beside the long and tedius route of adding EVERY SINGLES SKILL to the Sustain part in the Initialize common event
Also, when you updated the plug in, will also be updated in Steam?