Day 1:
Just started exploring the snowflake floating idea using placeholders.
Uploaded a short demo video to youtube here if you want to see what I’ve got so far.
I’m hoping for more feedback (Just reply to this post).
Game Components
snowflake: rotates both on its axis as well as axis offset from the path. Got this idea from a r/gamedev reddit post I read
Although I think I’ve gotten the physics of the snowflake falling down, I’m not totally satisfied with how the player controls the snowflake – just by taps on the screen.
This makes it easy to pickup and play on mobile – but not necessarily easy to master – I’m thinking of Flappy Bird’s mechanics in this regard.
winds: the wind objects change the direction and speed of the snow flake.
melters: not yet implemented.
If the snowflake touches these objects, the snowflake melts, ending the game play for that level.
snow bank: not yet implemented.
the goal of the snowflake is to reach this part of the map.
background: not yet implemented.
makes the winter aesthetic of the game more prominent.
minimap?: not yet implemented.
might make the player be better oriented where the goal is (since the camera follows the snowflake)
- ~Implement melters and snowbank (with placeholders)~ DONE
- Implement a scoring system
- Add additional intermediate objectives?
- ~Implement some way of showing the wind’s direction~ DONE
- Start research on implementing game assets using a paper cutout look and feel:
- background
- snowflake
- melters
- snowbank
- ~post a web version for testers to test out?~ DONE
That’s it for today. Ciao!