Kadmeian - "Just wanted to pop in and tell you that I am now 10 hours in and have barely accomplished anything. Just trying out all kinds of stuff. I absolutely love this game"
Hm... i am now more than 1000 or 1500... hours i don't remeber exactly... but maybe that info help you in some way.
So... Arena + Tropical forest + Crystal Mine (Abomination Quest) -> your best friends because it's easy money + Crystal Mine is also EXP.
At the beginning the most profit weapon that absolutely all classes can use is a usual lamp because the damage of this weapon depends on SURV points and also SURV stat help you find more food in different places as well as cook smoked and dry food (10 SURV) and potions (15 SURV) and mines (10 SURV) and other traps.
In general all starter weapons are bad. Not because they're really really bad but because of enemy DEF stat which literally negates any 10-15 damage at start... and if you don't take Lona's strong personality (First skill at lvl 2) which of course gives you 6 points of ATK which is a very good (Same thing if you're LVL UP Combat LVL 12 times) you can't beat your opponent with good DEF stat without spending a lot of time, stamina, and open space.... until you buy a saber at lvl 15 (15 lvl will allow you to open high quality weapons) that ignores all enemy armor (You can also take a dagger or kunai with saber which will also increase saber damage) or magic (But you need 10 points of WIS stat to do any damage at all because some enemies also have SURV stat which also gives them protection against magic).
BTW - Strong personality will block access to almost any magic... (That's why I don't often use Nymphomaniac or Strong Lona personality) and holy magic is pretty weak and it's practically useless in combat until you pump up at least 30 Combat LVL... which means you have to be at least level 45-50 since you still need to spend points on survivability and other things... and holy heal and other buffs on NPC's are almost pointless since friendly NPCs are very stupid in fight... and in general the whole gameplay where you heal your allies very much tightens the battle... where you could for example at the same level 50 to run with a halberd and kill everyone in zone with 2-3 hits at 10-15 sec (Ahhh... I still can't figure out why dev did that because holy magic 70% of gameplay just not fun or useful at all - Holy magic need a rework).
Usual or Master Lona = Very Fun (Can't use only holy magic).
Tough or Strong Lona = Fun (Can't use magic and lust skills).
Timid or Mage Lona = Fun (Can't use high quality weapons and lust skills).
Nympho Lona = Fun (Can't use magic without deepone race and high quality weapons).
Saint or Priestess Lona = Not really Fun (Can't use magic, can't use high quality weapons, can't use lust skills).
So... what about lamp?
- Lamp can deal yellow damage is very fast but you need to learn how to use it (Basically you need to always prepare a lamp burning skill using corners).
- Yellow damage - Stamina damage -> If the enemy runs out of stamina = dead (No matter how much health enemy have).
- Lamp yellow damage is directly dependent on SURV points -> 10 SURV is enough because you can make smoke meat and dry meal and traps buuuut some the recipe for mines is quite expensive so it's easier to buy them at night from a girl at the market (10 mines can kill the toughest boss in the game at 20 sec -> So... buy a horse + load it with mines + go around blowing things up, hehe~).
BTW - Smoke meat and dry meal is very useful only if you play on Hell or Doom difficulty but you can also use smoke and dry food as a selling product
150TP 1 dry meal -> 12 dry meal = 1800TP = 1 Large Copper Coin
220TP 1 smoked meat -> 8 smoked meat = 1760TP = 1 Large Copper Coin (almost)
With 15-20 SURV points you can make 25-30 smoked meat and 50-60 dry meal per day or per night (half day) which literally destroys the economics of the game.
- - - - And if you've level up 15 already and open magic weapons skill or open high quality weapons skill that's what really good (IMHO) - - - -
1) Halberd + Bow (You can play very safely because of the distance + you practically don't need to invest COMBAT points to kill somebody + Halberd and bows can break all traps near by because of distance skill + but if you invest 20-30 COMBAT points then a halberd can kill just about anyone. Abomination race + Strong personality + Bloodlust + Halberd = Everyone is dead because it's practically 80-90 damage per hit. This is why I still think about - Why would you need something else if you have a halberd? The Halberd is broken? Hmm...)
2) Saber + Dagger (Saber Ignor armor + dagger can breaks opponent's leg's very fast that you can literally spin your opponent in 2x2 cells because enemy becomes immobile + dagger can crit if you stab in the back or while the enemy is stunned + dagger can kill any without big DEF stat even skeletons).
3) Saber + Kunai (I call it NINJA build because your kunai can do a lot of damage from a distance and also to slow down enemies and this is why you can play very safely with it. You can also break the traps with Kunai but for good Kunai damage you need 20-30 Combat LVL).
4) Aqua staff + Electric spell book (A lot of damage because you can throw a lot of lightnings in one place and push back enemy with aqua staff. This lightning kills all living things if you have 30 WIS stat + glasses. If there's water nearby... it will desentergrate everything in water even you~ hahahah... and you also can use Electric spell book to destroy all the traps in the area and little monsters too which is why I still think it's the best mage ability in the entire game).
5) Flame staff + Fire spell book (Usual strat -> Fire spell book to stun and big fireball = Win. Fireball need a lot of WIS stat to big magic damage and it works very badly if there is little space sometimes + Fire spell book can break all traps within 3x3 cell radius + injure enemy and of course can set enemies on fire like a lamp but faster).
6) Saber + Dagger + Fire spell book (I think this is very OP because you can stun at the distance with Fire spell book and use dagger to backstab + You don't need any WIS stat to Fire Spell Book but only a Magic Weapon Skill + Fire spell book can break all traps within 3x3 cell radius + injure enemy).
- - - -
The others weapons are very specific and not needed very much - usful only for certain cases or just for fun (I can tell you about them too if you need).
I hope this was useful information~