Why did you ruin Scarlet's hair!!! She was so cute before the ugly bangs!!! Now she looks like a poodle or something. MILFS aren't my thing and neither is family, but I'm enjoying the story. I also want to know wtf is up with the sniper (obviously, if it's explained, I haven't seen it yet. I'm guessing motorcycle girl interrupted them and I'm guessing she's not a new character, but we will see.) Anyway, this is fun and definitely a step up from a lot of teh junk out there, at least so far. Thanks for your work on this, and now back to the reading. I just had to lament because she and Daph were my favorite until the hair. Now I'm rooting for goth(Erika).
Ever watch firefly? River and Shepard, the hair scene? It's a little bit like that. If you haven't, I'm sure there's a clip of it on the interyoutubenets.