I am one step further and have understood that Concordance (x) is a key stat and therefore cannot start as a negative value. But I still don't understand what these formulas mean. What does ix mean?
I understand to some extent what the page behind the link explains. I even know what the rule is supposed to create: an irregular, cyclic fluctuation of the value for Concordance, so that a Rotapriest has access to all four spokes of the wheel alternately. Nevertheless, I don't understand which game element the imaginary number “i” refers to. Is it not possible to give an example from a real game situation? That would make me happy.
I imagine i as the "Wheel" that the Rotapriests worship, and thus they put their Concordance to the Wheel and the result determines what powers they have. i, in terms of both literal game-mechanism and how a Rotapriest feels it, would be the axis that turns the wheel when the Rotapriest changes around it.