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aaron boehler

A member registered Mar 02, 2021

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A kind of dungeon with 25 locations that are well connected and contain three or four storylines in a small space, sometimes quite bizarre, but attractive. The foundations of the temple described are in Southeast Asia, the interior looks as if it were taken from the dreams of Asimov or Miéville. The background is only hinted at, which makes the adventure all the more flexible. I was a bit surprised about R4 and the "Consequences" (...when does the cobra perceive the player characters as intruders? Is it enough to open the door here to cause the downfall of Het Thamsya as a temple?), otherwise that's a Dungeon that I can only recommend.

Yes, it´s true: I don´t care "who gets to narrate"... as long as it is not me alone.

I wasn´t sure what to do with the letter pdf. Should I have printed it out and written my letter by hand? At this point some more information would be helpful.

Okay, thanks for the explanation, I understand it now.

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The following sentences appear directly before the download: "You claimed this anti-power fantasy [...] with Free Community Copies. This page is linked to [my] account." What does that mean?

I have taken advantage of a free community copy but haven't downloaded it yet because I don't know what impact it will have if my profile is associated with "anti-power fantasy". Does the term appear anywhere in my profile? Does it affect my further operations at

That doesn't sound bad. I like the aesthetics of what I can see. I'll at least take a look at the game. If I use it in any way, I'll let you know.

Is it possible to use the rules for group play?

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Great! Thanks a lot! ... Wow! I just checked it and am impressed.

Thanks for your answer. I´m looking forward for your game.

Alright. Thanks a lot. I picked your system because I was looking for a way to play "Lorn Song of the Bachelor." I realized that you are already playing the adventure and have written a play report about it on your blog. I was astonished! I'm reading your report with interest (and I'm asking if it'd be possible to somehow get the stat blocks for the NPC´s you used? That would be great!)

I´m very interested and want to try this game. Please, can you tell me how many words a Hiwaga wizard can start the game with?

Is the adventure still Troika! compatible?

The idea is adorable! I don't know if Argentinian writers will play a role in my troika game world, but I only know two of the ones paraphrased here and I have the feeling that this will whet my appetite for the works of other authors.

Oh, that's a nice game. I will try to integrate it into my HeroQuest campaign. The characters of my players will soon experience a winter that will not end because the greatest of their gods has been deposed. We'll see if they can come to terms with their situation while shoveling snow.

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It´s a great fanzine! It's just a bit unfortunate that not all characters from the Bestiary have been converted for Troika! In any case, a promising work.

"They like to feel crushed against other passengers during rush hour" - made my day. Thanks a lot!

I have a lot of admiration for this game. For me, it's one of those rare eye-openers that I only encounter once every few years in the flood of role-playing games. I read the text, think about it and suddenly I realize something that goes far beyond my playing.

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I hacked this game for my pupils at school (11 years old). They should find an item of faerie during their lunch break. Afterwards we used the questions to develop the fairytale event that had apparently happened in our school. Thank you for the inspiration.

Is it a game? Maybe, but in my eyes it is a guide to love and happiness, too. When I read it, I was very moved. Afterwards, I sat dazed at my desk for quite a while and did nothing. I'm still waiting for someone to try it out with. It´s an admirable text.

I buyed and read it. Particular noteworthy is the rules engine: It needs getting used to, but is by all means fascinating. I´m waiting for an opportunity to try it.

That´s great. I didn´t think of the game as an interlude, but it makes sense. I think I´ll have an opportunity to use it in this vein. Thank you for the token and plaque offer. I´ll send you an email.

I like this game, but I want to know what happens, if all tokens are in the discard pool. Is it the end of the game? Is there a chance for refresh? (...and are there downloadable tokens and plaques for printing anywhere?)