I purchased the game for $10.00 dollars today despite my reservations below this post. I figured maybe its a hidden gem like "My dystopian Robot girlfriend" or "Pixie Pixel Panic" so I gave it a fair try.
The game plays very similar to the flash games "Shinobi Girl" or "Witch Girl" where its a side scroll racing against the clock style of game with enemies blocking your path to the end of the level. I like the diversity of enemies and the animations they play. The animations are nice and fluid while others feel jagged and clunky (Recovery animations are smooth, Down attack and "Snake" enemy animations feel jagged as a couple of examples).
Like yourself I found a lot of frustration with the jumping, as it was ~95% of the time it wouldn't jump over targets I was sure were intended to be jumped over. The dog and crawler enemy have a recovery time that was usually quicker then the players recovery time and was almost impossible to fight them off once they grabbed you. The distance they were knocked back didn't allow for enough time to finish an attack most the time and lead to another struggle phase.
I found it super silly there were ceiling vent enemies on levels that were outside. I also wish that there was a "bomb" attack like you can find in other similarly designed games, as the attacks lock you up in an animation that doesn't register until the animation finishes.
For those looking to pick this game up, I'd recommend it still but as I had previously stated in the post below, this game is currently in the $2-$4 range.
As to how to improve this title:
---Re-record some of the audio with another voice actor.
---Later stage enemies need diversity in attack pattern (everything only attacks by touching you) consider a spit attack that soft stuns the player or a lunge attack of some kind that can be kicked to punish the enemy if well timed.
---Adjust enemy hit boxes so the player can consistently JUMP OVER the shorter enemies.
---Allow for the dodge roll feature to evade enemy grabs. (Put this on a 2-3 second Cool down).
---Make the dog less derpy looking lol