Thanks for playing! You got stuck in the last solvable level. I uploaded a new version that includes an optional hint someone gets stuck in the level. It is activated by dying many times in a row. In any case dying is actually the key to solving this last puzzle.
Viewing post in Tiburcio's Adventure jam comments
Ah Okay! After the hint that dying is key, I was able to complete the puzzle! Once again really nice game. All though during my second playthrough I ran into a possible unintentional bug where the players grave can act as an obstacle to any other actions. For example, if i were to die in front of a ladder, I wouldn't be able to go up the ladder. I can of course just die somewhere else to move the grave but I thought I would point this out in case it wasn't intended. It's not really a problem, but i'd imagine it could be a nuisance to the player with more complicated level. Other than that Great work!