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A member registered Feb 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very Fun Game. Simple but addictive. Here are some personal suggestions:
-1,2,3 feel like weird button to shoot in each lane. Its hard for the player to shot while moving left and right. I had to play with two hands on top of each other basically. I'd recommend moving the shooting buttons to somewhere on the right side or middle of the keyboard. Also adding an option ton shoot with the mouse would be nice. Maybe left click = left lane, middle mouse button = middle lane, right click = right mouse button
-Add a retry button instead of reloading the main menu. Maybe having the option to press the space button on this menu also allows the player to retry without having to use the mouse each try

Other than that its really good and can see this as a full game. The art style and music really work well together. Great job so far!

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Ah Okay! After the hint that dying is key, I was able to complete the puzzle! Once again really nice game. All though during my second playthrough I ran into a possible unintentional bug where the players grave can act as an obstacle to any other actions. For example, if i were to die in front of a ladder, I wouldn't be able to go up the ladder. I can of course just die somewhere else to move the grave but I thought I would point this out in case it wasn't intended. It's not really a problem, but i'd imagine it could be a nuisance to the player with more complicated level. Other than that Great work!

Thanks for trying out my game! I just pushed version 0.9.3 of the game which fixes a couple of bugs within the game. I'm still pretty new to figuring out builds with Unity and I don't have Mac or Linux devices to test them. However, I included separate folders for the Linux and Mac versions this time so hopefully, it works now! I appreciate you for notifying me about this and please let me know if it still doesn't work.

Also, I will take the player's speed into account. I'm still messing with enemy and tower mechanics and have been thinking of speeding the enemies up to pressure the player more as I am trying to go for a fast-paced gameplay. However, I do agree that the player is pretty fast though (I had to make the bullets go a lot faster because the player was outrunning them at one point!). 

Thanks again for your feedback!

Best game in Jam IMO. I've never played Doom or Wolfenstein, but I have seen a little bit of gameplay and this game definitely feels like what I'd imagine it would be like to play those games. I couldn't get past one of the levels simply because I couldn't figure out how to open the door. But the game was incredibly fun, and has its jump scares with some enemies rushing out of corners. The music fits the game really well and the graphics/style gives it a nice retro creepy/scary blend. Really Nice Work! Only recommendation is maybe giving an indicator on where to go next after killing all of the enemies in a level just so players who are slow like me know how to progress😅

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Hey thanks for playing my game!

-I went back to test and the player does lose health. However sometimes  the bats attacks don't register properly. They still need some work as I've noticed they are a little buggy and sometimes lunge at nothing (Slime and Giant Slime should do damage though). It could possibly be because all of the enemies are pretty easy to dodge right now and you may have not got hit directly. I think this will be more apparent if I had stronger enemies or buff the current ones.
-The shield only heals the main base, not the towers. I plan on implementing a new pickup that will repair towers health by some amount in a future release.
-You are right about the wave not looping correctly. I edited the wave system to allow multiple enemy types in one wave as opposed to only one. However I did this in the last hours of the Jam and didn't realize this bug. Thanks for pointing it out. I will make this a focus on the next release.
-That is a great idea! I agree that the game is definitely missing some story/lore  and instructions on how to play. This became very apparent to me while testing other people's game during this jam and is something I will definitely try to incorporate once I flesh out some of the other core game mechanics.

Thanks again for your time and feedback! 

Very Fun and Challenging Puzzle Game! I'm not sure if I reached the last level or not though. I see in your dev notes it says the last level has most of the items, but not solvable. The one I was on had two dogs ,pile of soil, key, water bucket, fire, but I couldn't figure out a way to get past the second dog. Overall pretty creative and fun game.

Froze when the girl picked up the magical staff with Azuli and the soldier/bandit walked over to do something. But I did the skip to the new content section and it was functioning fine as far as I could tell. Looks really good though and the graphics/visuals combined with the music all go together nicely. 

Cool game with nice ideas and good UI. However, I highly recommend improving the control scheme for keyboard. W,A,S,D is almost unplayable due to the action buttons being right below them (unless their is other button to press with that case, this point doesn't matter) and the arrows feel weird to play with. Feels a LOT better on my Xbox controller though so its great you have support for both. Also, I'm not sure if it's because it's an HTML build, but the movement feels a bit laggy, especially when switching between worlds. Overall though, this is a pretty cool and enjoyable game. Looks like the game's development is coming along nicely!

Hey I think I'm just dumb, but I couldn't figure out what to do after fixing the mirror with the red letters on it. Tried going through the mirror and said I need 4 symbols but the only symbol I could find was the heart key. However, this is a really cool game and I love the mystery and music. Really creative! 

One recommendation I'd have is to make it possible to switch between the observe(eye icon) and grab (hand icon) with the right mouse button or spacebar or something just to make it a little easier to switch between the two. 

This is a pretty cool game! Nice idea and communicates the game mechanics really clearly...something I did not think of for my own game. It's a nice and unique strategy game.

Answers tp feedback questions:
-Not really, but I love the concept of the game and do believe that it showcases how protest can create change.

-Yes, the game is explained very well and is easy to understand.