Hi @SuccubusNirriti,
Thanks for your interest in using my plugin in your project!
1. This plugin already provides options to change the location of the Actor Command window. You have to change the "X Element" & "Y Element" in the plugin parameters for that specific window. I think you want to change the X Element parameter to the max width of your game's current resolution - the Actor Command Window Width to move it all the way to the right.
2. I've done some extensive testing for you. I can verify that enemy slain SFX does still play, and my plugin does not affect this in any way. I changed the sound effect to something distinct to find this out. I used the same method to test player hit SFX, and I can confirm it wasn't working right due to some bad code practices in the default code. I've now provided a hotfix to address the issue, and after further testing, I can confirm it now plays the hit sound effect.
You can download the latest version from here or my website:
I'm experiencing issues with uploading files to my website right now so please just download the updated file from itch.io for now.