Well, since everyone basically gave you enough ideas for the two of them, I guess I can do my rent now. But I do have an extra idea that I would like to give you. And it explains why the genies were so problematic and away.
Basically, the idea of it is when you do the genies downtime event the MC asked Tornadus and Thundurus why they were being such problems and why Landorus also so abrasive about things. After a moment of the three of them looking at each other Landorus explains it because of their sister they’re missing sister Enamorus. Before she went missing the four of them were quite kind to people on Pokémon, help making livable land, positive weather, and calm seas. and a Enamorus just helped people be happy. but after she went missing, and the three of them couldn’t find her they all just kind of broke down in one way or another.And they’re just trying to escape the fact that they no longer have their sister. Either by pranks or trying to be helpful to people or just beings Stoic about everything.
And this is when the MC realizes that he could have one of his time girls send him back in to the past to get Enamorus