wait i’m loving the divorce simulator here can we pick which parent to go with in the next installment >_< but this game seriously ROCKED my WORLD…. such a devastating sense of horror as each segment unfolded. i love that lilith is set up to be the good cop to eve’s bad cop, but someone whose emotions run rampant is often more dangerous than someone who’s stone cold efficient, and even the employees know lilith by her reputation…. i just adore the concept of a creation talking to their creator, and i really liked the back and forths of the player ai character and eve especially.
my sorrow was immeasurable with the reveal that all this would culminate in was the player being sent off to float in space forever, then my sorrow became shock with the game further playing out…. i feel like i’m a little bit baka >_< because i don’t think i 100% get the plot in all its complexity but it’s okay because the experience was jaw-droppingly worth it. amazing game!!