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A member registered Sep 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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thank you hehe :P

would that i could cut my heart out and give it to you for dinner i would, so that you could consume it whole and let me be a part of you. let's just say if i needed to not turn back to bring you from wherever you dwell to wherever i dwell, i would turn back and face you with love and doom us both to an eternity in the shade

And just to add onto our lovely team lead, thank you so much for your comments and feedback! 

Absolutely, for the former ROs we wanted to have players see new sides, good or bad, to characters that otherwise tend to get glorified. I don't want to spoil too much of the story, but let's just say...the former ROs aren't exactly in a position to be love interests at the moment.

But on the contrary, we have quite the plans for Hermes, and you'll absolutely be able to see more of him in the future. Glad to see you liked him so much!

Thank you so much for playing our game as it is right now, and I appreciate that you've taken the time to leave your thoughts! The description you may have been looking at earlier is a little outdated, so the scene you're stuck at is our current endpoint for the demo. This was also made during a time crunch for a deadline, and the dev team is actually a bunch of uni students in finals week right now so it will take us some time to fix these issues, but we plan to release the rest of the act (ballroom scene included) after we've worked through a few of the bugs you mentioned. This game is also being built from the ground up in Godot, so we're taking baby steps in things like statistics and gauges. The bug with repeating scenes is absolutely an issue that we're aware of, and we're doing our best to fix that too.

As for the villainess type, thank you so much for leaving feedback on that too.

1. The main purpose of allowing players to choose is to let them have a say in what kind of "villainess" story they want to tell, and these tend to be the common archetypes! They mostly affect narration, but there *is* a big role they play that actually changes what dialogue options you get and the outcomes for it — except this is during the ballroom scene, which is unfortunately inaccessible at this moment. We're working on that too! There are also many changes that you may not notice until on another play-through, but we plan to expand this choice as well.

2. The personality bar is an interesting addition, and we will definitely consider it. We're also working on changing how characters react to which type you choose, so hopefully that is more to your taste then.

But besides that, if possible could you please also let us know which minigames didn't work so we can fix that as well? Thank you so much! So sorry that the version of the game you played isn't at its full best — we hope you'll enjoy the next version once we patch out these issues!