woah! this was awesome!! The art, the sound design, the writing, the mechanics! All around super solid, especially for how much time we had!
I really loved the humor in everything, like somehow using the knife to cut through the river and the character just accepts it haha (ruined my run though, losing that knife is rough!!). The pixel work is top notch here too, great enemy design and implementation and god that fire looked so damn cozy! I feel like I could easily sink into this game and just mosey around the woods seeing what there is to see.
I think the only couple issues i have have to do with encounters, it was pretty common for me to run into the same encounter back to back (some of which can be *very* punishing!) and it was pretty easy to wind up in no win situations wrt combat. I feel like the latter could be helped by having the punch attack be useable even if the player has healing items.
All in all, *very* well done! I would absolutely love to play more of this, PLEASE keep working on it!!!