I'm beginning to wonder if this game development has been abandoned. Based on the frequency of previous updates, it's been nearly a year since the last update.
Checked his patreon, and this is what he posted 31. july
"Hello everyone I am very glad to see you all! I know that I've been missing for a while, unfortunately my computer broke down. I couldn't log into discord because all my passwords and access code were on the computer... now I realized that you can't store all passwords in one place. It took me a while to buy a new power supply, motherboard and processor. now I understand that it is necessary to install a non-destructive power source so that such situations would never happen... Now I'm trying to figure out where I stopped and remember what I was doing before the break... Thank you all for staying close and helping to make the game better and more interesting."
i read that to but at the same time, with the money im sure they took in from patreon, etc. i do not see how he could not have built a new pc in a short amount of time. back in 2017 i save for 3 months and built a threadripper pc with an rtx 2080 super water cooled and i live on va disability, im not getting income from patreon like the creator is.
there are several games i have id like to see big updates for including evermore, the wrath, ripple, dogma, corrupted world, corrupted kingdom, siccae, companion, endowed, and realm invader to name a few. but nothing since ( sept-dec 2023-2024)