theres an easier way just go to the arena at night with less than 13 time points left till the next day then prostitute the fishkind in the arena over and over and consume the fishkind semen also to get horny drugged high up and then save before leaving the map and then go to elise to check preg time if preg time is really long its deepone if its not reload save
you get free fish for doing it this way and you can do it as any persona not just normal and nympho and since fishkind only go for vag in prostitution you will find that it is fairly easy to just repeat and when you finally are full and ready to leave the map you will be able to cook up the fish before you go and also be able to immediately beeline to elise since it will be daytime
I guess so, yeah, I guess so, hmm... but i think run all the way from the arena to Elise house again and again uncomfortably when you can just save in front of Elise bed after night basement investigations and - Sleep -> Load game -> Sleep -> Load game strat - until you find what you need to the next day.