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(1 edit) (+1)

I like the pixel art and the "nightly" environment.

One criticism I can give: The falling velocity when moving off a platform is much faster, compared to the falling velocity when jumping.

I think that is why the controls feels wonky, as moving downwards is part of the game-play. (I don't know much about game design. If what I just said is stupid, please ignore)

All in all, a cute and short game.

Anastasia (Programmer/Music composer, and a very little bit of art)  here!

All three of us thank you for your fedback! It's our first game and even the smallest coment means so much for us!

AAAHHHH I KNOOOOW its the moooost annoying thing and idk how to fix it, I honestly HONESTLY tried.\

thank you loots for the rest!