I love how the cute fly girl risked her life, invited a local terrorist, and assembled the Trash Squad, all for the sole purpose of jumping a random woman who stole from her. (I thought there was going to be a boss fight lol)
Cute game, great work!
Thank you 🥹
The movement and cutscene code is remade from scratch. As for the art and overall feel, I used the original AOTK games as reference. I decompiled the original game to research some aspects like fonts and art sprites.
Oh, and the Doodle Studio asset helps a lot in replicating the same art style.
Damn what a ride, this series is one of the most cinematic horror game experience I ever played. I rarely write game reviews, but this needs every positive review it can get.
The quirky writing and art style, mixed with horror and humor is top notch, better than most "professional" games. The large scope of the game is also really something.
Not only that, but this whole anthology can be played for FREE, what the hell? Honestly, I can see it doing well on Steam with a cult following. (Well, technically, you already have a cult following, but that's besides the point)
Between Trial of the murder dog, Space Funeral and this series, you came really far in your Game Dev journey. Very inspiring.
Sucks that the series has ended, but I guess you gonna switch things up to keep that creative juice flowing. (I'm gonna miss BB D: )
I look forward to seeing what you have in store in the future.
Damn, this is really good. I think this might be the most polished game in this game jam.
I really like the dark and broody graphics, really sets the mood and atmosphere. I especially like the 2.5D shadow effect you got there. Movements are ok, although you can't really control yourself mid-jump, making some precise jumps a little difficult. Music is great. The story/plot is really intriguing and teases the audience well.
Some complaints: I can't tell if I am being hit or I'm the one hitting, as the animation/particle effect is really hard to see (maybe I'm blind lol), a human "hurt sound effect" would do nicely. I can't exit out of "item drop" mode, meaning I have to drop something if I want to look at an item. Also, being able to look down would be nice, as I can't figure out if a ledge drop is safe or not (is that what the rope is for?)
But all in all, real fine work you got there.
Breaking news, demon lady with giant booba assaults four freshmen students on their first day of school. Bystander claims the demon duo are merely "annoying", not dangerous.
Ok, on a more serious note, I especially like the hand-drawn art of the enemies. The music choice is also good. The RPG gameplay is also quite solid and satisfying (can't go wrong with RPGmaker).
One complaint I have: the "selected" and "not selected" cursor could use a bit more contrast, I can hardly see what I am selecting. The skills between the four students could be more unique and serve a more distinct role (healer, tank, DPS, etc), as I find myself spamming Catapult and Shock for all 4 turns.
But all in all, a good and wacky RPG game.
Nice platformer game. I like the sprite work and the lighting effects you had. The story is also quite interesting.
The camera view might be a little too small, as I can't see where am I jumping to. This also means that the moving platform can't be seen initially, making me think that there is no way to progress (at first).
Cherry is best girl confirmed.
Nice short RPGmaker game. The premise is kinda interesting, playing as the "final boss" in a simulation and having your levels reset every death. The story is kinda interesting as well.
The early game grind is pretty annoying though. Also, it's hard to tell if you are on fire, as the fire icon is present regardless of your current state, the state is shown by the blue background, but it's hard to see.
All in all, nice work.
This is a great puzzle game, love the visuals. The random move selection also adds flavor and challenge to each puzzle. It also has high amount of polish.
Only complaint, is that it is hard to tell apart the different row and columns, so I might end up missing certain spots. Also, clicking the levels doesn't seem to work sometimes?
It's a simple, fun shooter game. I like it. I can't think of any complaints.
Maybe you can add better feedback when your sprint is ready, the icon can be easily missed.
Also, what's with the starting splash screen? Unreal, CryEngine, Godot, AND Unity, lol, are you some kinda programming god or something.
Yeah, seems like Unity 2020 LTS is really buggy when it comes to WebGL, according to forums? I admit I don't have any experience in web development, so I don't think I can fix a browser specific bug anytime soon.
Also...DING DING DING, we have a winner! Yes, it's Gout, ohhhh and you REALLY don't want to suffer a gout attack, trust me.
Uhhh, there's not supposed to be any success-sound?...that is strange.
The "bzzz" sound is to indicate a "blocked" QTE, as you can only hit the right arrow key once per half cycle (the locked state is indicated by the translucency of the QTE bar). This is to prevent the player from simply spamming the right arrow key, and to synchronous with the player's slow stride. The pain/break sound is a failed attempt.
The locking of the mouse is an expected behavior, it's to capture the keyboard input with the UI buttons. (except the main menu)
Hey, thanks for playing my game!
Woah, its THAT hard, huh? Yeah, maybe I should have increased the regen rate of the green zone, and made it more lenient. The first chase is definitely winnable though, at least for me. (That's why getting external play-testing feedback is so important lol). My guess is that the base regen rate might be too slow, making it too punishing for screw-ups early on. I might buff the player, if I update the game.
One tip I can give for the QTE is to hit right BEFORE the green zone, not IN the green zone, this increases the likelihood of succeeding, as your reflex will always lag behind the gauge.
You are right on all accounts, I wanted to make this game relatively hard to illustrate the pain of this disease (but not THAT hard). You can buy items once you reach a checkpoint (convenience store), which can be used by holding left arrow key and hitting space.
Also, that's the wrong disease, sorry, lol. I didn't even knew RLS exist, so that's something new I learnt today. H
Nice puzzle game. I like the sci-fi element, the graphics, and the puzzle with teamwork feature.
I feel the movement speed is a little too slow, it feels like it takes forever to get to one end to the other. Also, the box building seem kinda glitchy, I somehow managed to glitch myself into a wall, lol.
But all in all, good work!
Wow, this is a fun game. I like the idea of forming an army by defeating foes, and becoming overpowered. You did a MUCH better job than me in making a "defeat foes to become stronger by taking their ability" game. The implementation is clean, simple, and the core idea is executed well. Great job! Has huge potential for expansion.
Also, I managed to find an exploit where you can sit still and let your minions do all the work.
Right-clicking at this point will lag the hell out of the game, lol.