Jura lbh hfr gur PRYYCUBAR va lbhe ONT BS GUVATF, vg fubhyq nyybj lbh gb nepuvir be znff qryrgr ure grkgf.
Gbhpu YRJVF n ybg nsgre ur neevirf.
V qvq snyy. V nz abg fher vs gur 2 cynprf lbh pna snyy sebz unir qvssrerag pbafrdhraprf. V bayl sryy sebz bar naq obgu orpnzr vanpprffvoyr. Nsgre V erfheerpgrq zlfrys, gur GUVAT yrsg naq V pbhyq abg svther bhg ubj gb trg uvz onpx. Nsgre rkcybevat gur qrfreg nf gur UREZVG V nyfb pbhyq abg svaq nalguvat V pbhyq qb gurer.
In addition to everything, I would like to thank you for making this game. I have never seen anything quite like it. I will try my best to spread the word, it really deserves more attention.