Having thought about it some more. I think I have a better solution to my idea of an 'extra stats' skill. Instead of having to nom a piece of gear and dealing with all that. It could be instead done by a 'companion skill' of sorts.
While the addition of belly rubbing has made the game much more enjoyable. I do find myself wondering. "Who or what is exactly doing this mechanic on the protagonist? Just some ethereal disembodied hand?" Instead of that strange idea, I think throwing in a companion would be all sorts of fun. It certainly doesn't have to be some fleshed out sidekick with loads of character. I think just a little robot buddy would do the trick. While also acting as a helper for many other things. Like carrying some special items for the protagonist. Acting as the games encyclopedia, perhaps even being a tool for hacking. OR perhaps, as a better implemented form of alternate skills? Such as of course, instead of eating a piece of equipment. This helpful buddy could instead, temporarily absorb the equipment. Attach to the protagonists back/suit and provide them the extra stats in that fashion? Basically, transforming itself into an 'extra piece of gear' for the protagonist to 'wear'.
Though I still like the idea of perhaps getting some ultimate skills for the protagonist as well. This is your game however, so while I like all these ideas. I am also aware that perhaps this isn't crossing your mind as a 'good idea' by any means. I'm just excited to see where this game goes and the story behind its universe. <3