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A member registered Sep 06, 2024

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(1 edit)

I see. Well, I found this game while scrolling through tags. So, I think Itch has done its job for the most part. 

As a side note question. Is there any major differences between the regular version and the +version? Seeing as the +version is the only thing 'locked behind a paywall' so to speak. (Not that said wall exists for me.)

(Never mind I saw the SFW mention now that I've read a bit more.)

I'm not gonna take anyone's side here specifically. But I do slightly see the point of Playful's argument. I'm not gonna be an azz and say it's 'tantamount to a scam'. But I do think for a brand new demo build game. The price of 12$ is kind of wild, regardless of whether or not it's for purposefully supporting a games development.

That being said i've not the slightest clue how to even make a single line of code. Let alone program and build a game. So obviously, making a game, by your lonesome even. Can certainly be a challenge. So spending 12$ is probably cheap in some other games cases.

Long story short. I think it might be better to lower the price even by a dollar or 2. It can be a real jaw dropper to try and support someone and their already asking for over 10$.

That being said I'm spending 12$ and supporting this game. Because it looks neat and I absolutely want to support it. I hope your game gets the support it needs Yua Nizu

Having played some more and tested my own theory. I saw that she did not die to a single black knight. It usually takes multiple enemies to bring her down swiftly. I still think it would be nice if she survived a bit more. As again, she costs 75 energy. But I also understand it would be hard to properly balance a character. That is made to be a heavy-hitter and has regenerative capabilities. 

If no stat boosts. I'd argue that at least lowering the costs would suffice. Down to 65, dare I say, even down to 60. It mostly depends on how 'OP' this character is supposed to be. IS she supposed to be 100% worth the high cost? OR is she supposed to be just a more expensive and better version of the centaur?

Aside from my picky ramblings. I also noticed Eze seems to enjoy suddenly having no desires to fight. I'm not sure what all causes this to happen. But 1 reason seems to be simply placing another Eze on the field? Another seems to be that they simply don't 'care' for any enemies aside from those who have ranged attacks. Which obviously is not good cause she do be squishy (in more ways than 1). 

Finally. The slime girl is also squishy, in both forms. Unless you can somehow hold a group of enemies in front of her. When she's been separated. Then she will not ever stand a chance at reforming into her fully formed self(s). 

Absolutely enjoyed the update this game got. The new units are fun to play with and grant new tactics. With only one of them being more unique and outright 'for fun' than anything. (Iblis). 

Main concerns are that either I still cannot find the exit button on this game. Or that 1 has still not been created for the PC version. Or even worse, that it simply doesn't work. (Assuming the red X under the sorting button is in fact, the exit button.)

While understandably, this game will have preds that are useful and others that aren't. With others being just far superior versions of them. I thoroughly believe the minotauress NEEDS to be buffed. It is pretty shameful to cost 75 energy yet be unable to survive against more powerful enemies. She clearly has a bit of health, she's certainly got some strength. Yet she never lasts anywhere near as long on the battlefield. When compared to the 'weaker but tankier version' of her. The centauress.

It's not even just about cannon balls and catapults or them pyromaniac plague doctors. The minotauress just dies to almost everything that she can't immediately devour. Making her useless for anything but early world enemies. I witnessed a lvl 14 version of her die within 3-4 sword swings against a black knight. Didn't even take off a quarter of their health, let alone half, before her death. I'm not even playing on an 'extreme difficulty' as i've gone up to lvl 105 in difficulty spike.

That's exactly what I was thinking about! It's amazing to see how well planned out you have this game. While I like offering idea's. It's just overall better seeing a creator who has already considered everything. Let alone someone who is doing an amazing job like yourself! 

Absolutely great update all around. Nothing to complain about. The companion is subtle but noticeable. Has a sleek look about them that doesn't draw loads of attention. Away from everything else that the game has to offer. The new belly looks absolutely amazing and fits better for those running a lot of capacity. And the new weight looks good for the protagonist. 

Very nice to hear some gurgles too. Since normally, the only other way you would be able to hear them. Is to be inflicted with a debuff from slimes after nomming 1 or a few. Also nice to see another metric system added as I didn't fully understand the other one. It's a bit wild to think about how much weight I'd been carrying around all this time with about 34 capacity.

That all being said. I am curious to see how much further the belly might expand. To me it feels relatively like it's reached full potential and yet. I can almost see 1 more stage being added as well. You've been doing a fantastic job and I hope you keep up the good work!

Out of complete curiosity. Do you ever get teammates in this game? I played this game during the version where it was cut off. After rescuing the princess and learning about your friend's imprisonment. Certainly, complaining about difficulty would be pointless. As the game has an easy fights mode. But it still would be a nice touch. 

Main reason I'm asking is because of an 'early game' teammate...of sorts. During the hydra/unlocking the mines quest. You get tasked with snackrificing a cow (turned into) girl. All you need to do is walk '10 steps' in the right direction and the cow-girl is gone. However, I noticed that you could actually bring her into fights too. (Doesn't have a sprite or anything but she does exist and fights/take hits.) She even leveled up and learned a skill while I roamed around.

After that I fed her to the hydra anyway. 

Which really sucked because the very next fight I got into was against the 3 cave snakes. Which was the perfect time to have a teammate help out. I only won that fight because of luck after about a dozen or so tries.

So long story short. Were there any plans on the cow-girl joining your team? Maybe after leveling her up a bit so that she could fight the hydra with Sabrina? (Since it's impervious to magic and the skill the cow-girl learned was a strong physical attack.)

I see. Doesn't feel as if my army is attacking any faster than it has been. But since most of my focus is everywhere else. I would imagine it's hard to see minor differences like those. (Unless you fully max it out and you just watch a minotauress do a 6-hit combo in 2 seconds flat. which would be possibly funny to watch IMO.)

That is shorter re-deployment time. Can't tell you what attack cooldown does though. As idk what attack it's lessening.

While I 100% agree that the final stage feels impossible. It is the final stage. Made purely to give you a run for your money no matter how powerful you've become. Even when I survive the 2 hordes of enemies. It's usually a 50-50 whether or not I can actually beat the Heroine.

To try and help out, however. This is my strategy that has so far worked.

Place a goblin mage around top right corner at the start of the stage. Feed her what you do not feed the orca, so that you boost your kinetic attack. Make sure to have orca's energy maxed out before the hordes come. Once you see the hordes spawning in, focus on the necromancer summoners. They are your top priority, if you must focus on anything else. The trumpet lady is your other choice. Should you pick up any zombies while spamming your kinetic attack like crazy. Just toss them up in the air once. Then feed your zombie free pickings to the orca. No matter how fast and powerful you are. Enemies will start gathering up and attacking the Orca soon. Should all go well and no more summoners exist. Spam the orca's suction ability until the cannoner's arrive.

By this point you want to focus on sending out 2 specific allies. Centaurs and Kitsunes. Use the kitsunes as a panic button of sorts. Extremely cheap fodder meant for nothing but blocking 1-2 attacks and or a singular cannon shot. The centaurs however are made for soaking up attention and attacks. Place them in front of stray paladins and black knights. 

When the heroine shows up is when things get truly annoying. By now you want to be almost 70% focused on her and her only. Always have 2 centaurs in front of her, if you can. Place them somewhat apart from each other. This can usually lead to the heroine 'wasting' an attack. As she only hits the 2 centaurs if your arguably lucky. By now you want to be focusing on slow but steady DMG. Placing Alraune and Mooru is the best for this. Do not overplay, however. As some more catapults will come along and gladly wipe them all out and waste your energy. So obviously, spread them out and perhaps even leave 1-2 close to the spawning zone. They'll get wiped out but at least it would be just that 1-2.

Once 260 enemies have been eliminated. You will have no more fear of stray catapults showing up. If you've done extremely well/got very lucky. Then you should be close to 300 max energy and hopefully a surviving Alraune or 3. By now you can either focus on trying to get as much reserve energy as possible. To continue spamming centaurs and slowly chipping away the heroine's health. Or you can try to get some last Alraune's out. I'd recommend energy. As you never know when the heroine will just simply attack very widely. And wipe out all those background allies. 

So, you're basically looking to have a team of. 1 Goblin Mage, 1 Mooru, 2-3 centuars, 2 kitsunes, 3-4 Alraune's.

As a final note. I'd consider the kitsunes completely useless once they reach 160 energy consumption. 

Hopefully this helps someone and I will go ahead and say. This is obviously not the most perfect strategy. Don't blame me if you try it once and still fail. 

I agree with most of everything said. But just to add some clarity. The summon menu shows off which "main" pred you'll be pulling. In the top left corner when you are on the summoning screen. As indicated by the X5 beside their image. Everything else is kinda meant to just be feed for da Orca.

While certainly not every detail is given in the descriptions of enemies and allies alike. The demon lord does actually state most of the info. Using the mummy for example. The demon lord tells you that she is in fact an attack buffer. When fully fed of course. She also grants a cooldown reduction buff when fed undead enemies. (As seen by a golden glow/shading enveloping the mummy after eating a zombie.) So, while yes, some units have been given a more so "last minute" description. Rather than a fully developed log of info and flavor text. I personally haven't seen any that was unclear enough. That I couldn't grasp what they do.

This was just to help clarify. Not trying to attack or anything of that nature. <3

To be utterly precise. I mean just 'being able to use' 1000%. Not actually using it via difficulty spike. I'm leaning more towards the idea that it's based on completion. Of the last stage to be precise, again. Because I sure haven't completed the last stage above difficulty lvl 21. And they still are dropping them with surprising ease.

I'm not 100% sure as to when/why/how. I've finally gotten the pills to drop. Since they started dropping for me since I've updated my game to latest version (1.3.17). But either it requires somewhere around 1000% drop rate. Or beating the games current final stage. I cannot tell you what actually causes it as I basically achieved both of these. Within the same 10-20 minutes of each other. 

(1 edit)

Strangely enough. I've been getting the pills now since the latest update. I've also gotten to about 1000% item boost, so maybe it's just absurdly rare? Or the game literally prevents it from dropping unless you reach a specific drop rate? I kinda don't doubt that's the case. As in all honesty by that point of the (current 1.3.17) game you've all but fully beaten it. I've also noticed the deployment line has been shrunk back a bit. So that it's not at the literal edge of the screen.

The sandbags also actually drop them as well now as the enemy description says they should. Instead of just being minor annoyances.

Understandable. At the end of the day this was just an idea that floated through my mind. As I've already stated. This is your lovely game and it's up to you what gets added. I certainly won't be offended if any idea I give gets shot down.

Great game altogether. Still need to beat last 2 or so lvl's but I've been having a good time. Only problems I've seen aside from not being able to exit the game. (As in the big red X under the sort button doesn't work, assuming that is the exit button.) Is the fact that I can't get any Anti-digestion pills. I've gotten up to 200% natural drop rate. Even boosting the rates by an extra 500% via difficulty spike. I've yet to see a single one of the things. 

I'm also not completely sure about this either, as it wouldn't make much sense. But I think if enemies are killed "before they get on the map" so to speak. (In other words, you have unit's like Kitsune-Pike ladies. Just holding down the front line. Where the enemy's spawn.) Then they don't drop any supplies, ever. Either that or for some reason the Kitsune's do not allow enemies to drop supplies.

Having thought about it some more. I think I have a better solution to my idea of an 'extra stats' skill. Instead of having to nom a piece of gear and dealing with all that. It could be instead done by a 'companion skill' of sorts. 

While the addition of belly rubbing has made the game much more enjoyable. I do find myself wondering. "Who or what is exactly doing this mechanic on the protagonist? Just some ethereal disembodied hand?" Instead of that strange idea, I think throwing in a companion would be all sorts of fun. It certainly doesn't have to be some fleshed out sidekick with loads of character. I think just a little robot buddy would do the trick. While also acting as a helper for many other things. Like carrying some special items for the protagonist. Acting as the games encyclopedia, perhaps even being a tool for hacking. OR perhaps, as a better implemented form of alternate skills? Such as of course, instead of eating a piece of equipment. This helpful buddy could instead, temporarily absorb the equipment. Attach to the protagonists back/suit and provide them the extra stats in that fashion? Basically, transforming itself into an 'extra piece of gear' for the protagonist to 'wear'. 

Though I still like the idea of perhaps getting some ultimate skills for the protagonist as well. This is your game however, so while I like all these ideas. I am also aware that perhaps this isn't crossing your mind as a 'good idea' by any means. I'm just excited to see where this game goes and the story behind its universe. <3

For some reason the game is considered a virus if I try to download it. For windows.

I fully understand. I also love hunting down the perfect set of gear in games. Plus, it isn't as if the other stats don't help in some fashion or another. I just do find it a bit annoying, to not have equipment that is geared for specifics. So having Legendary gear that has less mix-matching stats is a very welcome idea. It might also be a neat way to introduce 'side-quests' so to speak. As in, while exploring main areas you could run into notes/npcs. That tell you about a new area that is specifically much more challenging. But you only need to worry about clearing it 1 time. As the reward would be a full set of legendary gear. That way you could kill 2 birds with a singular stone. By (possibly) introducing lore alongside great rewards. 

Best example I can give. The protagonist finding an old terminal. It speaks of another dawn-touched that was a savior of sorts to that planet. Telling a brief tale of their heroics and special ability. It then tells of a possible resting place for that dawn-touched. But no one knows for certain as it's infested with traps and powerful creatures. Once finished with exploring their current area, the protagonist can go attempt a new mission/area. Which of course, would lead to the legendary gear. That gives the protagonist the same special ability as the old dawn-touched.

As for the eating items/gear. You could introduce Special Skills that can be only activated once per mission run. These could also be rewards for clearing out specialized challenge areas. Going with the theme of eating gear, here is an example.

(By holding down a button for 2-3 seconds)

"The dawn-touched voraciously grabs and devours whatever is in front of them. Seeing the ravenous glint in your eyes and a starving smile. Even the strongest enemy's quake in fear at your approach." 

"Should you devour something else in your maddened state. Such as a piece of gear you didn't see in your fit of hunger. In exchange for 'permanently' taking up some space in your stomach. Gain the stats of the equipment you swallowed. Until the end of your current exploration."

Thank you for taking the time to help sort through my confusions! While I cannot speak for everyone else who has done some grinding in this lovely game. I can say that it just goes to show how well made it is. (Though I was also curious to see how OP I could make the protagonist.) It has left me with a desire to play more, yet of course. I, like everyone else, must wait patiently for further updates.

I also like the idea of a checkpoint system in this game. But feel as if it's not entirely needed, if that makes sense. If anything you could make it optional. OR perhaps in the form of an item?

1 last thing I would recommend is better balancing on armor/clothing. To be specific. It's a tad annoying to have every piece of armor being 'broad' in its coverage. I think it would be more fun to have specifics instead. In other words. Instead of having ATK, stomach strength, life and vore skill. It could be just ATK, DEF, life, and possibly rupture chance/DPS. That way people aren't hording 3 sets of gear. Because 1 set has good capacity and acid DMG but is muddled with rupture boosting stats. Another set has good ATK but doesn't have rupture boosting stats. 

I'm aware it's also because of bad RNG. But it does feel as if none of my armor has explicitly. 'Boosts all vore related stats to better yourself as a stomach-based warrior'. Just broad coverage for all styles of fighting.

A neat idea to also toss out while on this subject. Armor that is a 'grade' above perfect, but isn't quite simply OP. In the event that all equipment remains broad in its stat boosting. You could at least add specialized armor's dropped by optional bosses. Best example I can give is of course, the optional boss of stage 4. Dropping an 'entire set' of rupture-based armor. Every time you beat them, they drop a singular piece of the armor. Which only boosts rupture chance and DPS. By a fair bit higher than what you might get from 'perfected grade' armors. That way it's risk/reward so to speak. Do you boost most of your stats for better survivability? Or go all in on specialized gear that forces you to play by its rules? 

(I also think it might be neat/unique to add a function or skill. Where the protagonist can swallow a piece of armor. Which would temporarily boost their stats. According to the armor's 2 highest stats.)

Great game altogether. Beautiful animation's, good gameplay, lovely protagonist and best of all, an interesting story waiting to unfold. I patiently wait for more updates to this game and its story.

Until then, I will give my full opinions on this current demo and report some minor bugs I came across.

Stage 1 was absolutely perfect. Aside from of course, figuring out controls and just getting used to the gameplay itself. It was arguably easy to beat on my first attempt. (Though I did have to cheese the boss by kicking its crown from the safety of a high ledge. Bordering the boss arena.)

Stage 2 was by far the worst of all the stages. Especially if you are tempted to replay stages for XP or just to explore the game. Thankfully being just, the second of four stages. It can be dealt with once and never touched again. My personal reasoning behind its lack of overall grandiose. Is simply because you MUST explore every little corner in this stage. While being tedious it is also riddled with "pitfall traps". Which force the player to re-walk areas already traversed. While it was also a problem, I can see what was being attempted during the entirety of this stage. So, I cannot truly lay blame on someone's good intentions. Namely speaking the parry mechanics. While the parry system itself is good once you can mostly master it. This stage was simply a bit too much to for it. Needless to say, I died at the boss and was not desiring to rematch it anytime soon.

Stage 3 was nicely balanced, not overly easy but certainly not difficult. The hardest part was probably reaching 'optional' platforms that had extra healing. The boss(es) of that stage was also a tad bit annoying. Mostly when trying to use the small window of time. That allows the player to attempt a devouring attack. The A.I. seemed relatively confused as to when it should jump. Which of course, makes the aforementioned attempts of devouring harder to time.

Stage 4 was certainly the hardest challenge of them all. I didn't even die my first time around. Inside the boss arena of all places. The 'optional boss' made sure of that. The boss of stage 4 was also a bit overwhelming. Attempting to fight it without a massive pool of HP. A good build of rupture DMG. Or a lack of stomach capacity. Makes it all but certain you won't beat it unless your very high leveled. Seeing as you'd more naturally have better passive stats. I wouldn't change much about it though. As it's great for XP farming should you desire to see how far the protagonist can grow.

With that all said, I found 2 minor bugs/glitches while playing. The first of which being, the stage 4 boss's flunkies. While devouring them shows that you've gained XP. You actually get a total of zero. Not sure if that's just a graphic glitch. Or that something is just preventing the protagonist from getting the XP. I would hope that you can in fact get XP from the flunkies. As it would help tremendously in terms of grinding out LVL's. Rather than repetitively replaying the 4th stage endlessly. For barely 1 LVL up around the 30's. 

The other glitch I found was a very strange occurrence. That I 100% do not know what/who/why causes it in the first place. While I think it also happened in stage 2 at one point. While playing stage 4 the protagonist starts spam locking the parry command on themselves until all stamina is drained. IDK if it's a random chance of certain enemies' attacks. IDK if it simply just happens while attempting to use parry. Or if simply my keyboard is haunted. Regardless, I wish I could say more certainly what causes this. But all I know is that it sometimes happens.

Thank you Endeavore for making a wonderful game. And sorry for the long comment.

Not sure where else to put this. But in case it hasn't been mentioned yet. Whenever you get swallowed by (secretary) pred. Bring them out to battle, while still in their stomach. Then use the sandbox mode while in battle. The game hard glitches upon your return to base. Making it so that you can never be swallowed by your current secretary. Even if you change them out for a different pred. Go out for another battle. Nothing seems to fix it and your locked out from being swallowed ever again. Thankfully this is still in demo phase so hopefully it can be fixed before full game releases in the future. (Though I also somewhat doubt sandbox mode would even be around. In full release, as it's obviously rather game breaking.)

Honestly, just being able to play as an apex pred would be nice. Whether it would be a 'free for all' style. Or a 'hide and seek' style, which is admittedly. What this game is more centered about in overall gameplay. 

But 1 thing in particular still bothers me to this day. Which is unfortunately, a lack of replay-ability. I personally believe that something relatively simple could be introduced. Which are rewards for completing a 'match' against specific preds.

Best example I can give would be a 'Golden/special' apple from escaping normal/nightmare Belle. Which basically grants you a full stomach on nightmare mode. Making pred students a viable option again, rather than heavily relying on 'regular' student. Simply because he doesn't generate extra 'noises' while trying to hide.

In which case. The easter egg is also optional and very time consuming. Unless you get wildly lucky and find the exit key within 5 doors.

To be utterly fair. The 2 main reasons why it was so difficult in the first place. Was in fact...

1. The easter egg itself being a 'random event' if you can call it that. So having to reset every time you spawn into a room filled with 'normal' students. Technically counted as an 'automatic game over' in my mind at least.

2. The very fact itself that the event was centered around 3 preds rather than just 2 apex preds. While it was rare itself, I count probably 6-10 of my deaths. To the 3rd non apex pred, Tulpy. Who at random times just decided to swallow my character and give me a game over. Since nightmare mode itself just has a higher chance of 'instant death' as I call it. It made even a little fairy a force to be well avoided.

It is with (little) pride that I must say. After who knows how many resets. Over 100+ deaths. Close to perhaps 10 hours of off and on attempting. I have beaten the easter egg/secret level of 2 pred nightmare mode. By far the hardest challenge in this game and I hope there is NEVER. Another secret placed behind that purely optional and random mode. With that done, I have nothing else to accomplish. This game is strangely addicting and I patiently await what future updates may hold.