The game is gorgeous, but unfortunately was too much text for me. I can see a lot of effort, specially in writing, was put into the game. Congratulations on the submission!
I really felt like it had too much text, though. Maybe the game is just not for me, so take this feedback with a grain of salt haha. But the lengthy wall of text before the first gameplay interaction ever was a bit much for me. After a while I was just skipping everything, making the gameplay itself feel kinda meaningless when it finally came.
I feel like the game did not have me invested in it enough to show me text after text. Maybe the pacing of the experience could be reviewed. Starting with some gameplay a bit earlier could help.
Again, this might be just a issue I felt because I'm not usually into visual novels. Take it with a grain (or maybe a lot) of salt haha. I hope this sincere feedback helps the project :)