(sorry for the late response;;)
ohh i see , yes i'm sure your teaching style and presentation would be really effective for an advanced curriculum !!! i hope you're able to pursue your dreams and become a teacher even if your circumstances make it difficult, i'm cheering for you ! ! you probably need to sleep so much because you're stressed or busy during the time you're awake and your body needs time to recuperate . it's not a bad thing to need rest!
that story was amazing , even if it's just a draft as you say i think the concept and execution of it were hauntingly beautiful. the night festival you described early on reminded me a bit of lunar new year celebrations, with the warm colored decorations and lights ^_^ i was able to envision what you were talking about really well, and the melancholy feeling of the girl dancing alone in the dark was very clear. i also like how the story progressively got more intense and overwhelming before ending on a quieter, somber note again . the constant changes in mood and emotion alongside the non-linear story structure made it very compelling to read and the contrast between the bright colors of the festival/fire and the monochrome black and white of the girl made them stand out from each other that much more ! ! ! this was really lovely to read, thank you for sharing it with me !!