ıts fine! ^^ ı dont really mind it you can send a text whenever yo feel like :3 .
True both me and the class ı tried to present the math topic was bit unlucky this time haha XD hopefully ı will either learn to adjust my level or find a good class. about sleeping thank youu ım trying >-< ı guess ım just trying to push myself since my semester didnt end yet but ıts close so ım trying to survive thorough it in hopes for resting in holidays XD.
Thank youuu ı was really proud of myself when ı suddenly had this story in my mind while listening to that music. İnspirations can be a life saver in creativity :3 . I am really glad story had good balance for you! ı was trying to use opposite words to make story more interesting and strong and ıt seems like ı achieved my goal yaay -w-