Very good package: excellent writing, art, music, etc. In particular, I like that the whole VN basically consists of small scenes and vignettes: it makes it so there is never a dull moment and we get little moments of payoff throughout the story.
I will mainly focus on the parts that I wasn't as big of a fan of, but like I said I think the VN as a whole is excellent, and definitely worth your time!
- The initial couple of scenes were the only ones I didn't like, and if I were in a different mood (and I wasn't trying to force myself to read all NovemBear entries), they might even led me to drop the VN altogether. The very wordy exposition dumps were not a graceful introduction to the characters and their situation. I also thought it was a very weird choice to have the narration recap what happened before, when the VN opens with the protagonist recounting those very same details to the investigator. Hearing those details from the conversation, instead of indirectly from the narration, would have surely been more engaging. Other than that though, the writing was smooth sailing from beginning to end. (I do think the very ending was trying a bit too much to elicit an emotional response from me, but it's still well executed.)
- While the art for the sprite was amazing, I wasn't a fan of all the expressions (in particular, the parents). Since the sprites never change expressions, in some scenes I thought their default expression felt out of place. Speaking of which, I think the game should have probably considered not using side sprites in some scenes: it's a bit odd to see the protagonist in his normal clothes when he's supposed to be naked or in football gear, especially when we already have CGs.
- The way the "incident" on the football field is portrayed is a bit odd. We cut to the CG very suddenly, but nothing accompanies this change so it ends up feeling flat. In particular, the audio track continues unperturbed.