you know what I really appreciate? Custom mouse pointers. So few games incorporate these and when they do they dont get noticed, but I noticed. Also as someone learning and improving in pixel art, this art is exceptional. The story is also really, really good for a game jam entry and I loved the puzzles. Not often you see these kinds of adventure games in game jams. I'm inspired by your simply inventory system because I can see how you would have made it work and I could probably do something similair in my own game. Poor Dr Kara though. Playing this felt a bit like I was doing 2D Starfield. It's a really great submission and the premise for a great game so really well done. I think ocassionally I got a few incorrect text prompts coming up or coming up 2 times and at times it felt a bit odd not being able to move or skip-to-the-end of a text prompt, but these are really minor considerations in what is overall excellent. great job.