Last year I had a tragic accident,
after the car crash, I thought that I would never feel ok again. My doctor told me, that I would only have a few more months to live. I will never forget the emptiness I felt. Unable to walk or participate in life, everything seemed less and less important. I ignored my loved ones, I ignored my own needs. I spent most of my time looking up at my white ceiling. Suddendly, I heard someones brother jump out of the window. After crawling upstairs, as my apartment is not accessible for wheelchairs, I looked at the screen of an electronic device left on. I saw this game and was filled with happiness. The joy I gained from this game healed my broken spine and allowed me to walk again. I then talked to my friends and family and was finally complete again. I thank the creators of this masterpiece with all of my heart.
But still only 6/10, graphics don't load properly on mobile