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A member registered 93 days ago · View creator page →

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That is a great suggestion! Thanks :)

Terribly sorry for that. We ran out of time before we could implement a proper fail state. Hope you enjoyed what you could!

My scoring philosophy - All scores start at 5 points. Points are removed rather than added. 

Stars :: Description
5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent 

My score for Ascension:
Fun :: 4
Boss Design :: 5
Theme :: 2
Controls :: 3
Audio :: 4
Visuals :: 4

The music and art was great. The sfx, while present, had little to add to the experience of play. The visuals on the border of the screen seemed out of place. The spin mechanic felt practically useless I'm sorry to say. I liked the idea of charging it up, but I couldn't figure out what it was doing for me, so I ignored it entirely. Bosses were super cool! Solid work.

My scoring philosophy - All scores start at 5 points. Points are removed rather than added. 

Stars :: Description
5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent 

My score for FightForBoss:
Fun :: 3
Boss Design :: 3
Theme :: 1
Controls :: 4
Audio :: 3
Visuals :: 3

(1 edit)

My scoring philosophy - All scores start at 5 points. Points are removed rather than added.

Stars :: Description
5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent

My score for Vertiga:
Fun - 5
Boss Design - 5
Theme - 5
Controls - 5
Audio - 5
Visuals - 5

Comments -- I was trying to find any excuse to take points from your game, but couldn't. I was able to beat the game on Jam difficulty after several tries. I wasn't always sure what the player's hurt-box was, but it seemed forgiving. Your game wasn't my favorite, but it was good. I'm not a fan of bullet hells, but I'm damned by my own scoring philosophy. Yours is the second game I've given a perfect score. Good job. You deserve it.

Maybe you're just that skilled ;)

Time ran out before we could add a fail state. Glad you had fun!

We wholeheartedly agree! The original plan was to have each boss unlock an ability that you could use to defeat the next.

(3 edits)

My scoring method:
Stars :: Description
5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent


My score for RubberDuckyBoatBattle:

Fun :: Lacks somewhat
The zany humor makes up for a lot, but the bugs still damage the experience

Boss Design :: Lacks little
While buggy and unbalanced, the design itself was phenomenal

Theme :: Lacks severely
The theme felt like an afterthought

Controls :: Lacks somewhat
The layout was unintuitive, some mechanics fall short of their usefulness, but overall not terrible.

Audio :: Lacks little
Music was great, and even had some intriguing surprises. SFX were there. Great effort nonetheless.

Visuals :: Lacks little
Astonishingly vast array of visuals. Ultimately suffered from the scope, but impressive that so much was done.

(4 edits)

My scoring method
Stars :: Description
5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent

My score for Zone of the Spinners:
Fun - Lacks for nothing
Bosses - Lacks for nothing
Theme - Lacks for nothing
Controls - Lacks for nothing
Audio - Lacks for nothing
Visuals - Lacks for nothing

My scoring method:

Stars :: Description

5 :: Lacks for nothing
4 :: Lacks little
3 :: Lacks somewhat
2 :: Lacks severely
1 :: Absent

Scoring philosophy: All scores start at 5. Points are taken rather than given.

My score for Spinner Ground:

Fun - Lacks severely :: 2
Bosses - Lacks somewhat :: 3
Theme - Lacks little :: 4
Controls - Lacks severely :: 2
Audio - Absent :: 1
Visuals - Lacks somewhat :: 3

I like where it was going, but unfortunately it's all but unplayable. I was trying to collect resources but they wouldn't collect. I hope you can fix the bugs <3

Given that we're all unable to open the game, perhaps you could post a video of you playing the game?

Looks like you found the hole we left in the first boss fight! Yes, the track at the start is the first boss. You're supposed to destroy the boosters, and then the boundaries are dropped.

I get it. Game jams are hard, especially at the end. But you finished strong and made it past the finish line.

I can tell a lot of work was put into these fights. I love the artwork, and the music. The aesthetic seems to tell a grander story. It wasn't easy to play, given the oddities with the controls. Having the button that moves to boss 2 right next to the reloading button was a struggle. I had to reopen the game several times to be able to beat both bosses. As a POC I think it did pretty well. Good work, team!

We've gotten so much feedback going both ways 🤔 Some say they couldn't beat it. Some say it was too easy. We have a team of dedicated analysts trying to unravel this phenomenon. If we succeed we will consider the military applications.

And please listen to this song while you watch

Spinning alligator didn't make it into the final game ;_;

Please share with us a brief moment of silence to remember our fallen comrade o7

Gameplay Video

Thanks for the honest feedback! For the race cars you need to hit the red boosters. For the sock/dragon you need to raise the portcullises using the purple gears. It should have the text "Spin" above it. I'll post a gameplay video on Youtube and make it available soon.

Congratulations! If you beat the second boss you've won!

Glad to hear you enjoyed the second boss! Since a fail-state isn't a requirement for the boss rush we put most of our attention on making the bosses as fun as possible. Player death is the very next thing we'll update, followed by sound effects. Thanks for the feedback!

Was it too difficult? We're trying to strike a balance between fun and challenging. If you can tell us more about your experience it'll help us find a good middle ground. Thanks for the feedback!

The fact that you made most of this yourself is tight! Subnautica vibes

Genuinely original approach to the theme!

Fascinating! Love the grungy vibe.

Nice lighting and vfx. Love the vibe, but hope it gets more updates ❤️

Will give long-form review when I can

Fun approach to the spin mechanic. will give long-form review when I can ❤️

I hope this gets updated a bit more. Also impressed that you included character bio and tutorial.

Impressive artwork and fascinating gameplay. I want to give a long-form review when i can ❤️

If this is the way you dream. I'd hate to see one of your nightmares 💀

Love the narrative element. HP Lovecraft would approve.

Truly original! Love the combat style and artwork!

Excellent pixel art! Solid bullet-hell design.

Yay! Another top game!

What a rush! Pun intended!

Awesome! Good luck with the home stretch!

Great! I'll give it a play as soon as i have the time

Awesome! looking forward to it

Looking forward to the fix! Genuinely looks like it's gonna be fun!

Left you some feedback, hope it helps!