It's quite a random game, to be honest. You kind of have to figure out what to do by yourself, since it's not really possible to explain everything with a 16x16 grid. The fighting system is horrendous, and extremely finnicky. The dungeons themselves are RNG, which is expected., I wonder why there isn't a way to increase max lives. I mean, the fucking duck takes way too long to kill. Because of that, I just exit and go back until I go the location desired, which is also a tedious process.
The spawnpoint after the minigame with that futa girl is useless. It takes me 15 seconds to just get to the map, for no real reason.
I'm currently at a stage where the girl who's chizeling or whatever asks me to get 3 blue... things? I can not tell what they are, and I have no idea how to get them.
Currently stuck, and yeah, this game does a horrible job with explaining things. Maybe "only using symbols cause quirk" is more of a gimmick than a cool feature.
Animations are alright, low res, but good quality. You should be able to just exit them whenever though. The CG's in the dungeons are not high res enough, and they leave a lot to the imagination, and not in the best way. They also take too long to play out.
Gameplay - 2/5
Graphics - 4/5
Animations - 3/5