Thanks! Yeah, I thought that might've been it. It was my "How low can Resistances go?" loadout, so I was packing the Dullstone.
And just as a note, the answer is that it can go up to 98% if it's Ice Res, a.k.a a display of 2%.
BUG below? Edit: Oh, right, something about using Brill's Rock Wall stats instead of their own, if I remember right?
Bestiary / Brill's Notes say that Mineral Slimes can deal up to 100 Earth Damage with Rockslide, but how? Their max Wall lasts for 6 turns, not 10, so "Wall Def" x "Wall Turns" isn't gonna be the 10x10 needed for 100?
Actually, how is Rockslide not hurting me? Not Blocking, Defense 23, Earth Damage Multiplier at 100%... Only other effects are the Double Dragonstone, Master's Gift... And that's all that seems relevant? And the Slime does have a Wall up...
Hope I'm only finding new bugs / your records are good on knowing when/if I am! I feel like I refought Mineral Slimes before for Mythril or something and would've noticed this already...?