In 0.2.0, I can't progress to level 4. The vote to unlock button is not clickable and the chance of success is locked at 0.0%. The button to progress to level 3 worked fine. Is this a known bug?
Thanks for that :D
I now updated the game to 0.2.0A. That patch fixes the not being able to queue Level 4 and higher. The learning action in the office has no change as already stated before. And the Cafeteria Quest not updating has no change as well, as I wasn’t able to reproduce the problem, but I’ll keep you in mind for future reference. One possibility is, that the cafeteria quest didn’t update because hints weren’t activated during that time. Hint quests only become active when hinting is active and only then start tracking after the first goal or task has been updated with active hinting. (I hope that was understandable. The quest system is a complicated piece, codewise.)
PS: Also to give some insight into the quest system. The quest system only tracks progress to give the player some visual feedback. Nothing else. So no matter how badly broken a quest is, the rest of the game works independently and will still work. Just so you know that the game will still work even with a broken quest. :)