Okay, i'll have to do it quick, cause the game's so good, i can't stop playing. I'll go over the main few points that i liked since old demo, but you can expect me comming back with comments that have more words in them than most novels.
One, two, three, go! >>>
1) The "My Turn!" mechanic is so simple, but genious, i LOVE IT! It, honestly, was a pretty big issue in the first beta. I have two characters, but since i love Vuu - what's the point of using the HUMAN (i forgor her name T^T), if they are very much the same? Same abilities, same heart (i'll get to that later), same stats and etc. There was no reason, except for boredom. But now that i can do the same fight 2 times, not only to farm more XP, but to get more rewards from it - it makes me want to master each character!
2) Different heart attacks - my GOD, that's so good! The fact that i'm (sometimes) FORCED to switch from Vuu to HUMAN (still so ashamed...), is a nice feeling. Lots of weak 'shapes'? Vuu is here. Tanky shapes - HUMAN got you covered. So good... And now a 'shape fight' doesn't feel as tedious, cause i can finally one/two-shot most of the enemies tgere. (I don't understand 'T's attacks YET, but i'm sure that there is a way to utilize her too)
3) I'm not even going to talk about amazing artsyle and story - you know you cooked there, i won't toot your horn TOO much. ... Okay, maybe a liiiiitle more.
4) Riddles... Wow. With every location they get much MUCH more complicated, and interesting. Right now i'm stuck in mushroom land/cave. These riddles are... hard. Now, hear me out! That's a very ME specific thing, i'm not sure how it goes for everybody else, but i - am not the _biggest_ fan of the "look closely at the map - you can miss a lever/button at ANY moment" part. Sure, it's cool to spot them and go "he he he, free coins", but my paranoia and feeling of "what if there was an orb i missed? Or two?!" - were and ARE eating me from the inside. And the riddle where "The hint must be somewhere nearby", where i have to pull up or press mushrooms, then activate a button to open the gate... I can't. I just can't find i! What does "somewhere nearby" even mean? Is it in this room? Is it in the room next to this one?! OR IS IT IN THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF THE MAP??? I have no way to know! *sigh* ... Except fot that part (right now) everything is great.
Now that it's out of the way, i want to ask few things:
1) The part where i have to help Cookie - i am confused. I tried clicking on things, while berries are in my inventoty - nothing works. I tried dropping them onto the floor - nothing happents. I tried clicking and smashing things, giving berries to Cookie and cheff, tried putting them inside boxes - nothing is working. Am i bugged or do i just not get how to do it? If it's the latter - could you explain it to me?
And second:
2) If that's a public beta... why not put it on Steam? I don't mind checking itch.io once in a while, but won't it be better for 'exposure' and capturing people's interest? After all, won't allowing players to try the game increase the chance that they'll stick?
In conclusion - this update was Massive! ... YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS MAS-
With love,