-Colored text isn't colored until the keyword is fully revealed.
-Decided to play on my 4:3 CRT since the game is that old aesthetic, it looks like the UI scales correctly, good job. [later] oh I guess it's actually 4:3 native? Anyways, it looks way better with CRT vs LED.
-Mouse based camera is insane looking, I don't know why it rotates like that vertically. Also, the controller can't even change said vertical angle. Guess I'll use KB&M. [later] After some time I got used to the camera, it isn't bad exactly. It didn't help that my initial sensitivity was too high.
-Odd how first person interact button differs from 3rd person.
-The parent's(?) bathroom toilet and toilet roll in not interactive for some reason.
-Climbing animation(treehouse) is a little too slow I think.
-Random lever near death pit(to notebook) does nothing?
-After faffing around for some time, I finally got the magic notebook. I'll take this moment to say that the art direction is fairly solid, reminds me of Psychonauts with the children's nightmares type thing going on.
-Map is too zoomed in, and I can't change said zoom level. Also, the menu is a little awkward being keyboard only input, considering you say(game page) you are targeting KB&M. Would be nice to also have a cursor. The top tab bar of the menu is inconsistent. Sometimes the current tab keeps the yellow cursor when doing things in the sub menu, but other times it goes away and focuses on another UI element.
-Guitar is alright, but if I'm being honest ripping off zelda is kind of boring and played out. Why is this here, when it was only interesting in OOT since it was the mc guffin for that game. If it's just a temporary thing, then whatever.
-Equipped icon being a small E could be easier to read at a glance, maybe make it an outliney texture around the entire icon too, or change the background slot.
-Went into the pirate ship, I couldn't grab onto the ladder after giving the spatula, and then I (while spaming buttons)teleported on top and got stuck; too bad, I forgot to save for like 20 minutes... Oh, looks like it was smart and saved anyways, phew. I thought the computer was the only way.
-I can open the tab menu while in the dream transition, which is a bit silly.
-Neat, now I'm in a wooded dreamloop area, instead of the pirate ship.
-I got a quest and got a dash ability, but I seem to have gotten it before hand? I was dashing around with shift all of a sudden, maybe the ability was added too early? I also now have a double jump. Also, these ghosts move way too slow, especially after getting the dash. Also, they seem to get slightly stuck sometimes, which is ironic considering their incorporeal-ness.
-A ghost said it would give me the closet key(which I already have) and then it gave me a slab, I assume that's some rework you did and forgot about retouching the dialogue.
-In first person, the illusion is broken if you have the flashlight on, it will rotate the light around and behind you if you walk around as you keep the look direction forward. [later] This includes the pirate sword, or anything else in the hands I would guess.
-Third time doing the dream tunnel, it's cool but should really be skipable after the first time.
-Bug that happened when talking to both bowling alley Barth and the kitchen menu(doesn't happen in normal world, I don't want to test it anymore): if you press tab or esc while in a dialogue, it will open that menu, and it will break the dialogue and get you stuck. Seems to be a softlock. If you quit to menu you can continue the game, but the softlock persists and this time you can't access the menus, making it a hardlock.
-AhhaHhhhhHHHHasdfsadf, got softlocked again when leaving the inner ship, I double jumped since I couldn't grab the ladder, then it teleported me and I'm frozen. And for some reason it won't let me quit to menu, so it's a hard exit. I will now never go inside the ship again.
-Going on the island, why are these bridges so ungodly long? Even with dash it's taking forever to traverse one branch of this. Also, I got magic but I can't seem to do anything with it. -- After a lot of wandering I found out there was a sword if I just walked into the center 10 meters, woops. Also, bloody hell there was nothing of value in those side paths.
-Floating torch on right side of hedge maze on witch island.
-At this sign an enemy on the other side of a wall can attack -- intentional?
-My inventory has a scrollbar, but I can't scroll it. Items are out of view. It seems to scroll down all the way each time the inventory is opened.
-I get to the area with the mushroom guy and the checkered floor. Think I should stop playing now. I let myself die, and it kind of got weird. I started pressing buttons since it looked like it may not automatically restart, then it put me on the main menu and the UI was going nuts, flickering and I had to spam spacebar to select continue. However, now I can't sleep anymore(it's red again). Doing a hard reset fixes it. Since none of my witch island progress is saved, idk if I have to normally exit the dream to save, or if I'm at a point where the data for that area isn't serialized.
Besides the crippling bugs and lack of polish, it's a fairly fun adventure game thing. Keep up the good work.