I'm glad that everything is already in the process of being dealt with, I didn't want to be causing any "out of left field" moments! If I come across anything else glaring I'll mention it but it's been pretty sparse pickings since then, I guess you've improved your sense of direction since the very start! To be expected I guess and I hope you are given the time to smooth things out and maybe even become a little more ambitious over time :)
Edit: Just had a hard crash, seemed to start again fine and it had saved on the screen before the screen it crashed on; I was going to sleep for two nights before confronting Lillian about her potential blackmailer after speaking with Grace, after speaking with Grace I clicked the map icon and then the bed icon in the top right and a small window came up (with Victoria's face in it?) and then the game entirely closed... I don't know what happened that I might otherwise have done (Windows 10 laptop and I'm playing the game via an itch.io app install and launching it from the app). Repeating the above actions from the save point did not repeat the problem!? (Maybe a stack issue? Inconsistent variables that got cleaned out with the restart? - This Lillian quest is the only quest I was doing at the time with no other quest lines open (as far as I know).)
The error log contains these messages:
(Address: 00007FFC6E6F3A7E)
0x00007FFC6E6F3A7E (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available)
0x00007FFC6E6F3C8B (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: ''
(Address: 00007FF7C24611F2)
0x00007FF7C24611F2 (Magic Academy) (function-name not available)
0x00007FFCB7E47374 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFCB98BCC91 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
So it looks like a null somewhere :/