First, your game has high ludo energy. It's very immersive. I like the feeling of being small and seeing my objectives from very far away. The level design is excellent. Is your game going to be purely linear? It feels ripe for a metroid-esque or DS1 interconnected map.
Here's my list of things that I noticed as I played the game:
The protagonist looks great. Its anthro design with thick thighs is reminiscent of sybil from pseudoregalia.
The tutorial text goes by a bit too fast. You need to have a way to reread past sections. Or at least a button prompt before the next dialogue line appears.
I found one of your easter eggs lol.
The idle animation is amazing.
I'd like checkpoints to save the equipment I had at the time I reached them.
The rappel section and everything after it needs to be a bit more forgiving.
It would be nice to a have a way to test your equipment safely in the level design before committing to a potentially deadly jump.
If you throw a spear from too close at the green blocks, it doesn't work.
One of the checkpoints is bugged. It was respawning me in mid air, under a platform. There was no way to stop falling to my death every time. It's the first checkpoint you encounter after you leap back to the giant block you threw your spear at earlier.
My run ended here. I had a lot of fun. I was totally immersed. I will follow your game's development closely.