Why is your Quality Setting between 1 and 2+ changing the FoV?
I softlocked during the challenging Jump Thingy around the Pillars because the Checkpoint 21 checked me while I was still in Air above the Ground. Unplayable.
Atmospheric Sound is nice, Level Greybox in general is nice, I never really felt lost, it guided me well towards the next Area, Physics on the Spikes seems not very useful, just annoying once they hit the Ground , could just stay stuck there due to being Spikes. It felt odd being able to destroy Kelp from so far away, having some more Spiky Balls around them would be better I think. It could be more open, with multiple Paths and different Routes to take, but that might be later on, not in its current State of "Tutorial/Guiding through a Demo to showcase all there is".
Player Model could use a bit of work, it too feels greyboxed at the Moment. I see the Idea you're going for, but you'd need proper Textures, and a bit of an adjustment of the Model itself I think.
Movement Speed could be faster, I always sprinted, B to lean into the Pull seemed to just rotate me slightly backwards, no Idea what it's used for.
I generally like the Atmosphere, imagining how it'd look like if its no longer Greyboxed.
You could and probably should increase Air Control, decrease falling Speed and overall play with "Air" Physics, as you're underwater, not in Air, and it should feel like that. Maybe if you're going for some more Action Platformer with Upgrades kind of Thing, some small Paddle/short Swim as an later Player-Upgrade?
Are Fish attracted to me? It felt a few Times as tho they were cycling right on top of me, which is annoying. They shouldn't phase through Terrain, and should stay decently far away from the Player to serve as Distant Elements if they offer no Gameplay.
If I can rope and ride them, or if they swallow me if jumping/swimming too high, that could be an interesting Element for a few Levels/Areas maybe.
Generally I think this could have Potential, I like the Atmospher of being underwater quite a bit, but I don't really know where this is going right now, in Times I thought it could be an Action Platformer Darksouls, other Times it felt more linear and just like a regular Platformer. Some Story, NPCs, potentially a Coral-Reef-y Hub Area, Combat against other Bottom Dwellers and Fish, you have a lot of great Options there.
Controls were alright, a bit more Aircontrol maybe, and have it feel more like you're underwater, Ledge-grab might prove good. If you're aiming for any kind of Combat in this, I'd say you need some Form of backup on the Player in case they run out of Spears to throw in a really bad Situation with no Spears around to pick up, to prevent a lot of potential Softlocks/Resetpoints when Designing the World.
Needs more Crustacean Puns.
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