I pushed a hotfix a few days ago to add more checkpoints, I'm sad that it ended up preventing you from finishing the demo!
I have pushed another patch just now that addresses that, as well as some of your other notes (Walk is now holding shift, air control increased) but since I have been moving on with ambience tests, it might not run as smoothly.
We'll add glyphs-per-second to the settings menu, as well as force "Enter" to progress tutorial menus, I think - that's very fair feedback.
I do like being able to run around in cutscenes, just because it feels better to good around than losing agency - but I will make a note of the concern, it'd be good to maybe have all of those cutscenes be directly after a checkpoint, so if the player DOES get themselves killed, it's not a big deal!
We'll have controller support in a few days! C:
Thank you so much for playtesting, it helps a lot!