# Feedback(web version, w10, latest chrome) to update 2025-01-09:
* First - I like update, and game cooler than before! And I already await for new chapter!
## Gameplay:
* When I waked up after first exploring base, repair generator replaced with repair upper floor. It's strange. (With gen description)
* (And next) water gen appears on the first base. (I attach many screenshot bellow)
* And when I installed water gen on first base, install gen into rover also available. (I even don't reveal this action before)
* And water.gen and gen installed on first base... No new action about water, but action about removing power cell(as intended?) and power bar.
* And power bar rains fast. (But popup shows 0/s and it's lasts forever...) (And I come to Laurion with only 164/400)
* And on base after I export/import save, water/food baes disappeared and even don't restored when I salvage food/water.
* And save HARD RESETS after reloading game.
## Interface and tech:
* More time - slower game. (Even visually slow popup movement. up-to 15FPS?) But it's resets if reload page.
* I manually saved before reload(Almost instanly after wakeup) and even with this, I rolled-back (to auto-save?) to some seconds before wakeup...
* It's shaked some actions order.
* Save export don't work, because text just don't available outside game. (Even if exit fullscreen before copy)
* New-action-bages - better blink once or even don't blink than blink constanly... (May be bug?)
* Better don't mix action-progress/refill with new action flag. (May be a small mark or colored part?)
* And I already wrote about categories earlier.
* If I remember right, gui was enlarged in comparison to first version, and it's feels too big for me. (Particullary annoying with slowing game by slow scrolling too big list...)
* Some times log don't auto-scroll to end. (Maybe by slow FPS and race condition with new records)