- Noted that tooltips go off the edge of the screen. They didn't used to, so probably related to UI scaling. Resources draining without saying so is a known issue, but will need a big fix next major update. However, area resources being drained before personal ones is deliberate - your just leaving your helmet open to make use of the local air, instead of wasting your more limited and more mobile personal supply.
- You're correct - rover shouldn't have water until you install it in Laurion. That bug was introduced in 0.2.5, will fix it next patch in the next few days.
- A couple people have mentioned the lack of admin log. Not sure how I broke that, but I'll take a look.
- The scaling is literally the only thing I've changed about the UI, and it should default to the original non-fullscreen scale. BUT it reacts differently to fullscreen now. I'll probably add an option to disable the scaling entirely.
- I actually haven't rewritten the first death message since the original, so I probably should look at that...
- Nothing to do with Rover power is meant to be visible in the rover until you've reached Laurion and inspected a door which needs power. I'll fix that.
- The dam event being visible early is a new bug from 0.2.5, will fix next patch.
- Interesting note on the air tank cooldowns... It may be the same bug as some events - if you reload the game at certain points, it progresses at double speed. I'll investigate, but that'll probably be a big enough pain to have to wait for next major patch.
- Mmm, that's a fair point on being caught out by being moved. I'll look at adding an icon/tooltip to actions which will move you to a different area. I actually really like that as a slightly more subtle warning that you may lose access to stuff.
- Item consumption priority is determined when you pick it up, rather than ongoing. Which I do want to change, but it's low priority.
- I am interested by your suggestion of plot reminders, but I'm unsure what form that'd take just yet... Maybe just a subset of 're-explore' actions which can be hidden? I'll have a think on it.
- I'll make empty resources default back to grey. The highlight was added back when there were only personal resources, and running out of any of them meant you died.
In fairness, when I released 0.2.0, I was confident it was mostly bug free. A lot of the bugs you've mentioned were added by the smaller patches I did since, which I generally test less because (in theory) they're tiny bugfixes/tweaks which shouldn't break anything. None of it was caused by trying to keep to a schedule except for the resource drain not showing on tooltips. That one I honestly assumed most people wouldn't notice/care too much.
I think that before the next major update, I'll look at setting up a discord, getting some beta testers sorted out and give them early access to new updates to help iron out the issues. That and I'll look into some automated tests. Even testing on 10x speed, the game is already getting too long for me to test every corner of it every time I change anything.
In any case, thank you so much for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it!