The way I would do early access is the way I've seen it with some games I've bought EA with on Steam. Where say you pay $5 and that gets you content x. Then content y comes out but since you already paid $5 you get content y for free. But price for newcomers goes up cuz there's more content (so ie. $7 instead of $5). Though some games (like V Rising) added more content during EA that wasn't included with your base EA price and was extra paid DLC.
I have multiple devlogs already cuz I decided to do a lot more with the game after I released the Prologue. Not gameplay wise but features wise. And would release something to fix an issue asap or add something, then get a report or notice something later and want to fix/add that asap. I mean I could wait 3 days to release larger notes and fixes, but that potentially leaves something broken for 3 days instead of getting it fixed right away. As an example, I added a reflect mechanic to my game, did my testing (it's just me working on the game) and it seemed fine. So released it. Then someone else played it and found reflect in a scenario caused a crash. Do I leave that broken for 3 days just to not have a devlog update so soon even though I have a fix, or release the fix asap so the game is playable?
And thanks for the responses.