Does this have monster art for when setting them on the map for scripted battles? Or is this only in-battle art?
I'd just think they were active. I don't like when devs hold off on updates for a while seemingly only to have the gratification of bigger patch note releases. During launch windows Blizzard will update their games quite frequently, usually daily, sometimes more (ie. push a major fix then do a smaller fix later). If people are using the itch.io app all they have to do to update is click "Update", and it isn't like my updates area multiple gb.
Also to be clear, my game is about half an hour right now, so I didn't mind deciding to add features after the fact. If I do manage to do a full game, at this point it's going to be more maps and balancing, not adding features, so from my perspective less to playtest. But now that stuff is pretty much set for the base (at least I feel that way now) and I'm aware that not all changes apply to existing saves, I'm not going to do the full release until I can tell from my own playtesting and whoever else might want to playtest in their free time feels the game is solid. But even then I might have to do a week of rapid fixes as things pop up, just to get them sorted quickly. If that bothers people they can do what I do with some games, let other people play the first week or two when things are rougher and check the game out when it looks like updates have calmed down.
The way I would do early access is the way I've seen it with some games I've bought EA with on Steam. Where say you pay $5 and that gets you content x. Then content y comes out but since you already paid $5 you get content y for free. But price for newcomers goes up cuz there's more content (so ie. $7 instead of $5). Though some games (like V Rising) added more content during EA that wasn't included with your base EA price and was extra paid DLC.
I have multiple devlogs already cuz I decided to do a lot more with the game after I released the Prologue. Not gameplay wise but features wise. And would release something to fix an issue asap or add something, then get a report or notice something later and want to fix/add that asap. I mean I could wait 3 days to release larger notes and fixes, but that potentially leaves something broken for 3 days instead of getting it fixed right away. As an example, I added a reflect mechanic to my game, did my testing (it's just me working on the game) and it seemed fine. So released it. Then someone else played it and found reflect in a scenario caused a crash. Do I leave that broken for 3 days just to not have a devlog update so soon even though I have a fix, or release the fix asap so the game is playable?
And thanks for the responses.
1. Someone paid me $10 for the game I have up. My cut to itch.io is set to 10% (I believe this is the default). However it says my payout will be $6.40 of the same currency. Can someone explain the cuts to me so I understand how it arrives at the final payout amount?
2. I am debating releasing a game in early access, and increasing the price as more content is added, but letting people know that I will finish it when I decide it is done. So to always expect the game to only have whatever they got when they paid for it, obviously getting new stuff for free if they paid for a previous version, and maybe not getting all the features they hoped for in the end. If I end early access "early", is there anything negative, aside from upset players (ie. legal repercussions?)
3. How many free keys can I generate before I have to pay for more? I know on bandcamp I am limited to generating 200 free keys then I have to buy more keys to give away.