1. Someone paid me $10 for the game I have up. My cut to itch.io is set to 10% (I believe this is the default). However it says my payout will be $6.40 of the same currency. Can someone explain the cuts to me so I understand how it arrives at the final payout amount?
2. I am debating releasing a game in early access, and increasing the price as more content is added, but letting people know that I will finish it when I decide it is done. So to always expect the game to only have whatever they got when they paid for it, obviously getting new stuff for free if they paid for a previous version, and maybe not getting all the features they hoped for in the end. If I end early access "early", is there anything negative, aside from upset players (ie. legal repercussions?)
3. How many free keys can I generate before I have to pay for more? I know on bandcamp I am limited to generating 200 free keys then I have to buy more keys to give away.