Good God there is a lot of repetitiveness to those files, Took me a second to wrap my head around, especially because I piece-mailed the downloads between the first two decks the first time. - thanks for giving so many options. I started a game with my nephew before I fly back home and wanted to know if you had cheat sheet rulebook for There are two black bars on either side of the mat that seem perfect for a few rule cards to hang out in for quick reference during gameplay.
If not, would you happen to have a template I could use to create that option.(I know that's not a small ask - 3rd party licensing, legal, etc so I appreciate the complexities]. I've done similiar things for COLOSTLE (rook card] and 2D6 DUNGEON[I created a Lair's expansion with Toby (the creator) templates
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Hi there! didn't send me a notification for this! Sorry for the slow reply.
I'm about to upload a fancier rulebook that should make it easier to pick up and play. There are already some reference cards in the PCIO version, but I'm curious what others would be helpful?
Hope you're enjoying the game! :D
I just saw the update, looking forward to divbing into it. I've been playing on the website and I enjoy the reference cards. I'm gonna start to play around with customizing the play mat. I have run out of space with exploring and having 3 entrances so I was gonna try and place the town in the center of a big play area. I like the ability the website gives you to play around with customization.
I have been getting stuck with no more monsters to draw, so losing quiet a bit lol. I think having a reference card for how to handle ending a session with a loss or win.