Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback Silence! I've been working on an update the last few days which should resolve some of the issues in your list already. :)
1) I wasn't aware that the cutscene at the beginning was in the way. I figured it would be a good way to remind the player of what the game is about, and they can skip it if they already know, kind of like a lot of games do it, but maybe I'm thinking of older games which used to do that before the title screen. I have to consider if it's still something newer games do. I'll think about that one.
2) I agree that the hover colors don't quite match, though I don't agree about the disabled button. I think because it's not "colorful" and also because it doesn't have a hover effect, the continue button should be fine the way it is. In fact, even if the player were to click on it, nothing happens, which should tell the user that it's not clickable. :) I'll add the hover colors of the title screen buttons to the TODO list though. It would be better to have matching hover colors to the starting button colors (something like a lighter version of each color).
3) Since you used a save file, I assume you downloaded the game. It's strange to me that the dropdown didn't give you any resolution options. I used a built-in Unity functionality to show the possible resolution options based on what's available, and it works for me, so I'm not entirely sure how I can go about fixing this. I can take a look at it though and see if there's a better solution.
4) This is a good one. I've been using this dialogue system for a couple games now and no one brought something like this up. I'll make sure to make some kind of change to the name to make it more obvious which part is spoken and which part is just information.
5) This one was resolved in my latest fixes, which I will upload later today. I automatically sort the cards in alphabetical order now, so it's a lot easier to find the card you need based on the name. In the future I'll consider adding some other filter options like rarity.
6) I'll add this to the TODO list. You're right, the only thing the player really cares about when opening new booster packs is if there are any new cards. Maybe I can sort them by new cards first, then older cards.
7) This is something that's on my list already. I plan on making it more obvious when it's recess time and when school's out, so it's more obvious to the player when the day is starting or is over.
8) Since you played to the end, I guess you actually got to the end of their dialogues. After you've interacted with a character long enough, eventually their lines loop, because they have to say something anyway. I can consider adding some kind of randomness to the dialogue at the end, but either way the player will just skip it if they already got to the end of a character's dialogue, so I'm not sure how much sense it makes. I think the character that has the most unique dialogue and the most to say is Gossip Kid. Apple and Orange kids also have connected dialogue based on what you gave the other kid, since they're rivals. Bully Kid also has his own unique mechanic based on the answers you give him. So I tried to give the characters some level of variety, but I could only get so far within the bootcamp's timeline.
9) Thanks a lot for the bug report! Yeah I also noticed some crashes sometimes, but I need to dig deeper to figure out what the issue is there. With your information I can maybe figure it out more easily.
10) I never figured anyone would ever continue playing after beating the game, so I just added an arbitrary cap to the purchases to avoid bugs, but maybe it's not necessary. :P I'll remove it.
Thanks again for all your feedback and for enjoying the game! I'll keep putting in the work to make it a lot more fun and engaging!