2) you are welcome to setup the title page any way you want. was just giving you stuff ive learned in the past
3) I did not download the game. the save file came after i beat the game. it auto saved somehow and gave me the option to continue when it pushed me back to the title screen. i was running it in chrome browser. as far as the resolution stuff, i was more or less trying to advise you to make the resolution option hidden when you export it to the webGL version (or whichever one you are using for web). if you can manage it, have the software figure out what version it is and auto hide then you don't have to remember to enable/disable it all the time. give this code a try. (i haven't tested it but i think it would work for you.)
// If the game is running in webGL then dont show resolutions. if(Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer;) { // ... disable the resolution options here }else{ // ... enable the resolution options here }
8) if they have to have some kind of dialog then i don't think they need to say anything beyond a 1 line message "Hey, do you have this card?" or "I'm looking for this card, do you have it?" that way its much less clicking for the user. obviously the bully should have his full dialog because you have the options in there. possibly the card shark kid goes into a loop of "you owe me X and there are only Y days left, better start paying up!" you did a great job with the dialog aspects for the bootcamp timeframe, please don't take that the wrong way. I'm trying to give you feedback to expand beyond that time frame into the next level of your game.
let me know when you update it and I'll give the game a few more run throughs to see if i can determine what is causing the crash.