yaay thank youu XD ım still lacking at adjusting my level but ı will manage to do it one day!
ooh yea ı guess suprise attack could give great chance to blow a few hits XD ı guess carrying some light and easy weapon could help too! like some long sturdy stick to bonk the enemy from distance :3
oh actually aura protecting TO is super creative way to put plot armor in the story lol XD ı do remember gods once said ''we gave you the aura so you wouldnt be at disadvantage in this world'' ım sure ıts was more about how our aura draws people to us BUT!!! IT CAN HEAL TOO!!! little spoiler here but ıts confirmed that TO's aura can can heal ''elemental poisoning'' so why not ıt cant simply be able heal everything like illnesses or poisoning ıts around (which is obviously us lol since we are at the center of it) so ıts not only something that makes us get along with everyone easily since aura attracts them but ıt also has ability to heal the whoever close to it (that would make sense that Ashur was whining about how his pain was crawling back as he got away from us thanks to Beileph XD) and thats how TO will survive yaaay >w<
(ım on my waaay ım the one with flower profile lol ı wrote ''Here for games and internet surfing ^^'' on my bio :3 )