And here am I again with another stupid question. Is there a way to change "typing" (key press) sound?
Keyboard Click Configuration
Option 1 - If you extend the two theme (keyboard clicks already enabled in parent theme so no additional setting required):
start_at = my_location
start_theme = my_theme locations { my_location : location "You are in a room." ;
} themes {
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
keyboard_click_pattern = 3, 3
Option 2 - If you don't extend the two theme (keyboard clicks need to be set on as off by default),
start_at = my_location
start_theme = my_theme locations {
my_location : location "You are in a room." ;
} themes {
my_theme : theme {
theme_settings {
keyboard_click = on
keyboard_click_pattern = 3, 3
I don't think it works. I'm extending the two theme. Before making any keyboard click changes, I get a click for the very first keystroke, then nothing else for the rest of the game. I thought this was a bug. After making the suggested changes, I get silence. (At least it got rid of that annoying initial key click.)
Booted up IE and couldn't get Adventuron classroom3 working at all. At first, I couldn't even get to the web site and discovered that I had to enable an earlier version of SSL & two later version of TTL in the options. Now I can't get past the loading screen after clicking the licence acceptance button. Any idea why that would be?