Goodness, where to even start with this one... I won't ruin it, but I will say that you could have done a lot less and it would still have been fun just because of the core gameplay, but you added a lot of small details (like the creative UI and the menu and whatnot) which I really appreciate. The enemies do feel like they have a bit too much health (at least for being the "starter" enemies), though I'm sure you'll end up tuning them after the jam anyway.
If you want some mouse / mobile controls, I already have some code that could work (and allow for adjustable turn speed, acceleration, etc.), just let me know if you want to use it. (Oh also---strafing. I have some code/math for that too if you want.)
I think this is pretty impressive given the 2 week time limit, and I very much look forward to seeing what you add / refine in the future!
(Oh and also, it could be cool if you unlocked a bonus level on the sun somehow after beating the game)