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A member registered Aug 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! Yes it is currently just randomly determine, but you're totally right and having handmade waves/schools for the player to fight, it was definitely something I wanted to do but couldn't get done in time due to time constraints. Everyone's feedback and comments have been fantastic, it really is all great to hear and very useful!

Yeah that was what I was referring to. Really looking forward to see how this projects expands later

A decent game, a really unique and interesting twist on the theme. Some bugs, but otherwise works good. Though sadly I went to day 30 before stopping, but it said I only made it to day 0 :(

Soft body stuff is awesome! Love the look of it all, besides the unfinished art in some places, being able to more clearly see the damage difference would have been great

The art is definitely pretty cool looking, though it does have some bugs. Besides that, a tutorial would have helped a lot

Seems like a decently cool game from what I viewed via the Flowlab editor, but was unable to play the game :/
Would definitely like to come back to it after the jam to see if you resolved the issues

(1 edit)

Idk if you read the tutorial, but you also have a dash by pressing "Shift" (though SPACE works as well).

No bug with the enemies for me, works entirely as intended. I'll look into it after the jam, but really weird what you described

My absolute favorite site, has an incredible community always willing to help. In terms of being an engine, it's very intuitive and easy to learn, I would personally consider it the best visual coder if you're looking to get into game development.

10/10, great place to make games & get feedback

Not sure what we'll be doing this time around, I am busy with stuff this summer but hopefully I'll have all the time needed!

We need more Flowlab representation in other jams, so glad you're doing these.
Anyways, nice work!