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A member registered Jun 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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Yeah procedural sruff is always fun to do...thanks for checking it out

Thanks yeah I hopefully wilk be able to add to this now

Thanks, hopefully I can work more on it after this

Yeah sorry, some doors lead nowhere

(2 edits)

Goodness, where to even start with this one... I won't ruin it, but I will say that you could have done a lot less and it would still have been fun just because of the core gameplay, but you added a lot of small details (like the creative UI and the menu and whatnot) which I really appreciate. The enemies do feel like they have a bit too much health (at least for being the "starter" enemies), though I'm sure you'll end up tuning them after the jam anyway.

If you want some mouse / mobile controls, I already have some code that could work (and allow for adjustable turn speed, acceleration, etc.), just let me know if you want to use it. (Oh also---strafing. I have some code/math for that too if you want.)

I think this is pretty impressive given the 2 week time limit, and I very much look forward to seeing what you add / refine in the future!

(Oh and also, it could be cool if you unlocked a bonus level on the sun somehow after beating the game)

This one has some wild movement, and the platforming can be a bit tough, but it's a good challenge---nice job!

I think you may need to expand the camera boundaries a bit---I can't see the end even when in fullscreen, so I'm unsure how to progress to the next level. If you need help, feel free to make a help request on the forums (Flowlab Community - game dev forum) and someone from the community can hopefully help out

This is definitely one of the most creative flowjam games, and I think the simplicity keeps it fun (though it might not be as replayable I guess)

Pretty cool concept and execution (and the boids are awesome!) I like art and the sound, and the controls are straightforward. Getting hexagons to look good in flowlab is a challenge but you did it really well here, especially with the ones forming the sort of health bar (and the background ones looked good too). Only thing to perhaps improve after the jam is to add a bit more variety to the gameplay, but otherwise I think this is a solid entry.

Cool game, though it's a bit odd you get a weapon at the end and not the beginning...

Oh also you can press S to skip the dialogue (only figured that out at the end)

My goodness, this seems to be very polished for being made in just 2 weeks! The art is incredible of course and the gameplay has a lot of options and depth to it, which is cool. There are only 2 things I didn't enjoy while playing, and that was the enemies having sooo much health and also the player getting stuck sometimes on random objects on the ground and it's not super obvious as to why they are collideable. Otherwise though, this is really fun and impressive, and I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to the end of the upgrades later on.

Wow, that introduction is so neat! And the levels are really extensive with a decent set of unique stuff for each area. I like the bosses in particular (the fan one was cool) and fighting your way through to them was pretty satisfying. A few things could be improved still, like maybe a way to see enemy health or at least how close they are to dying (through animations or something like that), as well as the sword attack feeling kind of tough to use without getting hit back.

Oh and the way you incorporated the music was awesome, like how it builds more when you get close to bosses (or it transitioning perfectly from the end of the credits music to the menu theme; how in the world does that work???)

For me, this game is the perfect example of the theme. The whole coding mechanic is really unique (I don't believe we've had a coding game made with flowlab before?) and the idea of the robot's code world correlating to gadgets in the real world is also super unique (and implies that the grandpa may be some kind of a coding guru himself despite living in a log cabin...). I will say that the gameplay was just slightly more drawn out on some of the levels with multiple buttons just to access other buttons, but still this is a very creative game that's got a lot of charm too (coding and being in a log cabin somehow just fit well together). Great job on this!

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Interesting game; I was able to play it until the part where you press Q to let the green monster thing out, and then the game bugged? I'm guessing it was a bug because the player disappeared... I tried again 2 more times and it bugged differently each time, but all resulted in the player disappearing.. Is there a mechanic that I'm missing? Do you disappear if you leave the monster out too long or something? Also I kept disappearing after picking up the pistol, maybe it's a bug with that? Maybe something just killed me? There weren't any enemies around so I am unsure what could have done it...

This seems like a cool game, so I might try again later in the rating period after I'm done with everything else.

3 things:

1. The art and colors are great, and animations and effects are very well made and work nicely with the gameplay (consistency of style and the right stuff being emphasized vs. not emphasized, etc.). You clearly had an artistic vision you were carrying out, which makes it enjoyable to even just be in the game.

2. The voice acting is awesome! I don't know if the voice actress is still in contact with you but if so, let her know that she did a fantastic job! It really heightens the game's sense of stakes and makes you feel a more personal connection to your lantern companion (and her reactions felt genuine too---for instance, her reaction to the scene of the corpse boss fight gave me chills, which hasn't happened for me in a flowlab game before).

3. (I think sugarcyube mentioned this on stream) as cool as the massive shotgun is, it would be nice if it was a bit shorter, so that you aren't firing behind enemies that are close to you. Maybe the barrel length was intentional? But then you have enemies like the angel boss that teleports right up next to you (which by the way I think should probably have some kind of telegraphing animation beforehand since it's currently super sudden; the later boss is slightly better in this regard since it has a delay before it reappears). Anyways this wasn't a super big deal, but it was slightly annoying in just a couple of spots (e.g. in a few rooms where you start with enemies really close to you with no space to evade)

Phenomenal work overall, I could probably spend a while just exploring this game (are you planning to add more to the levels after the jam?)

Nice job with the animations (if I remember right you said they were made in Blender? They look good in any case)

The controls are a bit floaty, but it's pretty fun still and using a plant to heal is quite creative. Nice work!

Fun how you made it like an arcade game (though the joystick can block the view a bit, so maybe move it down?)

I like that there is a sound when you collect stuff, since it's easy to move away thinking you'll collect something but then barely miss it, so the sound helps avoid that.

Simple and straightforward; I like that you have multiple enemy types and the option to heal. (I wish I had another player with me to try this out.)

I am unsure how to pass what I assume is the first boss room, but up until then was pretty cool! Also the itch version appears to just not let you get past the opening splash screen??? Luckily the flowlab link was in the description though.

Really cool game that's obviously had a lot of passion put into the art and gameplay. That being said, I agree with what paisleypug mentioned, and I want to also add that maybe rather than having tons of each enemy everywhere, maybe just concentrate on having 1 or 2 specific enemy types in specific areas (and maybe lock the player in rooms like you had mentioned on the stream) that way you have to figure out the various ways to beat each enemy type. As it is the enemies are kind of spread out and chaotic, which makes it better to just run through rather than fight them all at once.

However, this is still one of the most polished and deep games (gameplay-wise and artsyle-wise) in this jam, so congratulations on that!

It's kind of crazy that you made this in 1 day! It's got some cool features, and the effects are great too. Obviously with more time it could have more polish, but I think even now it's pretty fun (if a bit short)

Hopefully people can stick with this one long enough to at least find a key...

I like the art and arm mechanics, as the orbiting woodpeckers are great, though they can be a bit annoying to deal with. The player itself is a creative blend of nature and machine, and protecting the tree works well as a motivation to actually get out an explore. I do wish the game could have been worked on for a bit longer, but as it is, the game has a lot of heart to it.

Hey this is a neat concept (yeah it could be longer, but what you do have is cool). I will say that the one switch where you have to swing under to hit it is a bit more frustrating than it should be (but it's a flowlab problem with how joints are handled, so that's not your fault in the slightest). Anyways good job!

Very wide variety of towers and enemies---I wish there was more info on which towers do more or less damage to which enemies (some kind of enemy library, or info when you hover over them, or even just info in the description about them would be good).

The gameplay is fairly standard tower defense stuff, but I do have to say the tower's creative upgrades as well as the voicelines really elevate this to be probably one of the better TD games made with flowlab.

Now, there are some bugs (you can just click to buy a bunch of towers and they'll follow your mouse...and attack enemies without ever being placed) but overall this is fun and pretty impressive for being made in 2 weeks.

Pretty unique idea (for flowlab anyways) and has a lot of fun movement puzzles. My only issue with it is that the jumping feels a little inconsistent, but luckily that is heavily overshadowed by how cool the grappling mechanic is (nice work on getting that working so smoothly!)

This is a cool concept, and feels pretty polished despite how apparently rushed it was. The art and animations are well-made (the running and right click attack especially) and fit with the sounds and gameplay. As paisleypug mentioned already, the enemies really need either shorter range or a way to tell where their attacks extend to, but otherwise, the gameplay is decent too.

This is such a cool demo; it's simple, but every aspect that is there feels well thought-out. I'm very impressed with how you did the pathfinding, especially the fact that it even contributes to the ui by showing you all the available squares (and the fact that enemies can block the path of other enemies and cause them to reroute).

Great work, and I'm hoping you can add some more troop / level variety, as that could make this even better.

Spooky and very atmospheric...I love the color choices and the fact that you are just walking along a road with an ominous forest behind you the whole time (really gives things a foreboding feeling). It would be cool if you could finish this up after the jam is over.

Well it may be 2 months late, but I have now added the option to center the camera on the player (instead of follow the mouse). It's found in the pause menu. (Also it is enabled by default on mobile devices.)

(1 edit)

Sorry, I'm working on this and lots of other stuff, so I cannot

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I've experimented with a few others, but this is the one I'm focusing on right now. Why do you ask?

Thanks for playing this on stream, and yes, I plan to add multiplayer / co-op at some point, and definitely also a few ways for you to collect more plasma for your team

(2 edits)

Hey thanks, I'm the one who coded it (more of my games are here: Flowlab Game Creator - Make games online), and the engine is (it's a browser-based game creator intended to give a beginner-friendly start in game dev)

I came here to leave a comment and then realized that Huckleberry already said nearly everything I was going to mention (especially the praise and compliments about the crazy cool mechanics and overall polish). . . so instead I'll just second his points, and then add a small idea of my own to (maybe) make combat more fun / engaging:
Maybe have enemies come in "schools" or differently patterned groups? I don't know if the waves are pre-determined or just random, but they definitely feel kind of randomly thrown together and create a lot of visual clutter / noise / a sense of aimlessness during combat. I feel like maybe introducing the player to different enemy patterns over time could help them to feel more purposeful and fulfilled as they learn to master the combat. There are lots of great enemy types already present, maybe certain enemy types could even work together to form different attack patterns instead of all just doing their own thing?

Anyways, the team did an absolutely fantastic job with this, and I look forward to seeing how this is updated moving forward!

Thank you for playing! Yeah, the art was very rushed near the end. I'm guessing by "damage difference" you're referring to seeing a visual of some kind to show how much damage is dealt by each gun? A few people have suggested something similar, so I'll probably make an option to turn on "damage values" as well as "team plasma values" so you can see how much plasma each gun takes to fire. I appreciate the feedback!

(1 edit)

This is very creative and charming, and while I do wish there was more to it (I'm assuming there aren't any more levels after level 3?) what we got here is still pretty fun. The art and atmosphere are so cozy, but at the same time, you're a thief running from the law, ahaha (this reminds me a bit of the pig town in Don't Starve: Hamlet if you've ever seen or played that).

I knew something wasn't quite what it seemed when the officers seemed to be always magically able to find and catch me . . . then I realized I had assisted with my own demise 😂! You actually used my pathfinding and made it work (without breaking the game) somehow; that alone is quite the accomplishment! And yes, hopefully my updated pathfinding will help with eliminating the lag.

Anyways, for as rushed as this was, it sure is fun! Fantastic work!

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Really fun game, and once I understood how the income vs. cost mechanic worked it was cool how many different strategies opened up. (The existing variety in the troop stats was good, though I think it could use a few more really wildly balanced cards, like a card with super high cost and high attack rate but low damage and low health, a card with a super low cost and high damage but also super low attack rate (like the ghost but cheaper and with higher damage))

I like the hand-drawn art for the cards, it feels like I'm playing a homemade card game with my friends back in elementary school. This would be a fun one to expand on and hopefully add more features to after the jam. Great game!

Thank you for the honest feedback! This game is unfortunately not super newcomer friendly, which I know is kind of a big turn off for some people. There's definitely room to improve it, especially with the movement and mechanics being a bit janky overall like you said. Most of the drone mechanics were my job, so I can try to refine them further after the jam.

Really appreciate you playing through it (on stream too), thanks again!

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Thanks, I appreciate the feedback and you're definitely right about the art---besides the characters and weapons, most of the art was just rushed / placeholder stuff. I'll probably redo most of the art after the jam, though I do want to try and keep the simpler style going. I will also hopefully add more maps (maybe even a full campaign's worth?)